Display MoreOpen Source is only working under two conditions:
1) there is a big community that supports the software, i.e. contributes with code and expertise, or
2) a company that has a business model around hosting or providing value added services and add-ons.
The critical mass for developers would be 4-5 active and up to 10 contributors. If they move away, it's hard to maintain an Open Source product. That's what we should have learned from ispCP.
Unfortunately, the code is not that easy for beginners to start with writing add-ons. I tried to implement TOTP, but I stuck with the API calls. A documentation would really help. However, documentation can only be done by the developer(s).
Starting with plugins or add-ons this is how you engage people to contribute and stay. I hope Nuxwin takes some of his valuable spare time to document the API.
That's the major problem we have with the i-MSCP community. Most of people using it don't even know how to administrate a server. They want play like admin but are definitively not.
If even you, you cannot develop a simple TOTP plugin with the skills that you have (I learned from you at begin), I'm wondering how other people could help us. BTW: Did you looked at the yubikey plugin which is sensibly the same thing? I think I've given you access for free to that plugin already, long time ago.
About documenting the API, I prefer concentrate my efforts on the full rewrite, providing well documented code base than losing time documenting very old code for nothing. I hope you understand the reasoning.
To all people: I never said that i-MSCP is past. I need time to rewrite it using new technologies (laravel, vuejs and so on...) and you need to take into consideration that from now on, I'm working (full time job). So, basically put, a full rewrite of i-MSCP is not an easy task which can be accomplished in few days. So I'll try to be more clear because some are complaining about the (done when done): I need at least 8 months to provide a new version (full rewrite using laravel, vuejs).
Now, I understand that people want continue beneficate from i-MSCP updates during that period and that why I'll provide an 1.5.3 update (test version planned for next week and which will be driven by TheCry ) to make it compatible with latest Debian. I'll also provide update for both PhpSwitcher and LetsEncrypt plugins which provide major features for the community.
I'm not here to lie. If my attention would be to let that project die, I would clearly announce that fact, searching for people able to take the relay. BUT that not the case
Thank you all for reading me.