Error at fresh i-MSCP Install

  • Hello,

    My System is Debian 10 (Buster) and at the install from the i-MSCP they came the following error

    i have enabled the Modules in PHP but it didnt work.



  • Code
    1. apt install php7.0-apcu-bc php7.0-apcu
    2. phpenmod -v 7.0 apcu apcu-bc
    3. service php7.0-fpm restart
  • Which PHP version did you choose for installation? I'm currently having the same error. Installed the packages like mentioned above. But with PHP7.1 it was not working, try using PHP7.0 for installation. The version can later be switched with e.g. PHPSwitcher

  • Which PHP version did you choose for installation? I'm currently having the same error. Installed the packages like mentioned above. But with PHP7.1 it was not working, try using PHP7.0 for installation. The version can later be switched with e.g. PHPSwitcher

    the above sample can be used when PHP7.0 is set for the controlpanel w/ phpswitcher (packaged) you may have to adjust to your needs ...

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • You just have to change the Package-Config before you install i-MSCP.

    In "autoinstaller/Packages" choose your current distribution and change the PHP-Version you want as follows:

    1. <package post_install_tasks="sh 5.6">php-apcu</package>


    1. <package post_install_tasks="phpenmod apcu">php5.6-apcu</package>
