SSL Install

  • You are a little bit tightfisted with your information. Where do you want to install the certificate? For all services or for a customer (web page)?

  • You are a little bit tightfisted with your information. Where do you want to install the certificate? For all services or for a customer (web page)?

    I'd like to know this too. I have a working installation, and I'd like to install my cert for all services.

    Thanks your advice

  • Are you using the stable or latest RC? Is SSL with a self signed certificate activ?

    I'm using latest RC and I want to use mey slef cert. I have a *.pem file. Should I re-run the i-mscp install script? :)

  • I'm using latest RC and I want to use mey slef cert. I have a *.pem file. Should I re-run the i-mscp install script? :)

    Hello ;

    You must rerun the imscp-autoinstaller or the imscp-setup script with the --reconfigure option and then, answer the questions about SSL.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I use i-MSCP, and I bought SSL and want to activate a particular domain.
    I'll explain how to do this.

    You want to know how to do this?

    -> enable ssl in admin/settings
    -> enable ssl in Reseller for the specific Domain

    -> at Domainuser at Domain you will now see behind the Domain SSL Option :)

  • You want to know how to do this?

    -> enable ssl in admin/settings
    -> enable ssl in Reseller for the specific Domain

    -> at Domainuser at Domain you will now see behind the Domain SSL Option :)

    I was able to locate the SSL option in the admin settings, how ever I'm unable to locate the setting to enable SSL under the reseller for the specific domain. I'm using the latest 1.1.0 RC14.

    There is not much documentation about these features in the WIKI. Is there any one in charge of documentation?

  • I was able to locate the SSL option in the admin settings, how ever I'm unable to locate the setting to enable SSL under the reseller for the specific domain. I'm using the latest 1.1.0 RC14.

    There is not much documentation about these features in the WIKI. Is there any one in charge of documentation?

    I located the setting for the domain user under Manage Domains. There is an option to "View certificates". How ever it looks like you need to open the SSL file and not import it directly. Is there a feature to be able to import the files and have it apply to the domain?