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BigBen :
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I would like to change the standard Server Default Page, which looks like this:
I found another thread regarding this topic which is already closed: Server default page
are the directories where content for this seems to be stored, in both there is the "inc" folder with the CSS files and the index.html.
If I want to change it, can I just replace it? If yes, should I replace both paths or just one?
What I don't understand about this from the linked thread, is: "than reupload the new version (remove the old plugins version and upload the new one). So the rights will also be correct.."
What should I do according to this and why?
Thank you for your help!
Because you're thinking I'm a liar ?
No, I never implied that. Just wanted to clear up the circumstances and consquences of Paypal closing down this service.
I didn't removed it. Paypal stopped this feature.
The rewrite is still in progress.
They stopped the feature yesterday?
Cause it was working fine two days ago and now the project is gone?
I did a quick search, they actually did end it this october and the money will now be transfered back to everybody
QuoteNoch bis zum 8. November haben Moneypool-Initiatoren die Möglichkeit, übriges Geld aus den Sammeltöpfen zu ihrem Paypal-Guthaben hinzuzufügen. Ansonsten überweist Paypal die Beträge bis zum 15. November automatisch zurück.
Display MoreHere is how I resolved it and I think it might help if your issue was with running
It's returning
Then your CA file is missing some certificates and you can download all needed certs using following one combined command that will generate combined_chain1.pemCode
- wget -O isrgrootx1.pem && wget -O isrg-root-x1-cross-signed.pem && wget -O lets-encrypt-r3.pem && wget -O lets-encrypt-r3-cross-signed.pem && cat isrgrootx1.pem isrg-root-x1-cross-signed.pem lets-encrypt-r3.pem lets-encrypt-r3-cross-signed.pem > combined_chain1.pem
With combined_chain1.pem run
and it should return
With thanks.
I managed to get the permission probem fixed now. Is your solution only meant to fix domain by domain with the mentioned steps or will it fix all used certs at once and I can afterwards manage it again in iMSCP directly through the Domains section? Cause you mentioned I have to go to my desired domain folder.
Well, if Nuxwin is a decent person he will either make a statement or at least refund and send a message to the people who participated in the funding.
Da sollte man das hier vielleicht nochmal in Erinnerung rufen:
Wenn sich dort mehr Benutzer beteiligen würden, käme eventuell auch mehr Fortschritt zustande.
Nuxwin did you delete the Paypal Pool now? Will you refund everybody then or what is happening next?
If I want to open that folder or path: /etc/letsencrypt/archive with Filezilla or Putty, it shows me permission denied.
What could be the problem here?
What is the purpose of the /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla folder and the certificates in there?
Thank you for your reply, Zakaria.
I did not change anything yet for fixing it beforehand, if you presumed I did, please let me know what steps I have to do first.
I tried to follow your instructions.
So I log into my server with Putty and type:
Result comes out:
What did I do wrong?
Du hast den Knall auch noch nicht gehört. Wer dort noch spendet kann auch das Geld direkt verbrennen. Macht Euch doch nichts vor. Es wird nichts passieren. Noch nicht einmal das kostenpflichtige Plugin Let‘s Encrypt wurde gefixt. Da muss die Community sich um einen Fix bemühen obwohl der feine Herr das Geld dafür kassiert hat. Normalerweise müsste er allen die was über den genannten Link was gespendet haben das Geld zurückgeben.
Es spricht einiges dafür, dass du recht behalten wirst, aber ein kleines bisschen Hoffnung kann man ja noch haben.
Apropos Lets Encrypt Fix, welche Lösung hast du gewählt? Ich komme da noch nicht so wirklich weiter und bin mir sehr unsicher welchen Lösungsweg aus dem Thread ich nehmen soll.