Just as a reminder, we could all support the work here:
Posts by BerndBonker
The problem is another. How many of us have actually contributed financially to the project? How many of us have actually taken steps to advertise it? The problem with this free project is that it's free! Excuse the pun, but the good Nux should have offered two versions of the software both to preserve the free soul of the software and to offer something more for Business customers. The boys grow up and with them the needs do too, if the good Nux had been able to live with the profits of Imscp, surely the project would not have stopped. Let's be realistic!
Da sollte man das hier vielleicht nochmal in Erinnerung rufen:
Wenn sich dort mehr Benutzer beteiligen würden, käme eventuell auch mehr Fortschritt zustande. -
I am a little overwhelmed by the amount of different solutions here. Are there special solutions for different operating systems?
Could anybody sum up which solutions are the most effective and lasting ones and how to step by step get it done for someone who doesn't work on servers regularly?
Thank you! -
I have the same problem and I find it quite frustrating to always get instructions in the forum of how stupid one is if one is not a server professional.
i-MSCP is not only for professional programmers and full time IT infrastructure maintenence staff. The attitude of certain forum users, looking down at people with less knowledge in some fields and that everyone should just know everything already otherwise they should be quiet, is very rude in my book. A forum is there to help each other. No matter what the previous knowledge of anybody is. -
Hat das eventuell etwas mit dem Let's Encrypt Fehler zu tun, den ich jetzt auch noch habe, als ich das Zertifikat für die Domain neu erstellen wollte?
Wie kann ich das beheben? Gibt es ein Update für das Plugin?SSL certificate is not valid: O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3 error 10 at 3 depth lookup: certificate has expired -
ich habe gerade nach längerer Zeit versucht mich wieder auf meinen FTP Server zu verbinden, bekomme aber immer den Fehler:
Auflösen der IP-Adresse für domain.tldStatus: Verbinde mit IP...
Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht...
Antwort: 220 [server] i-MSCP FTP server.
Befehl: AUTH TLS
Antwort: 234 AUTH TLS successful
Status: Initialisiere TLS...
Fehler: GnuTLS-Fehler -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.
Status: Verbindungsversuch fehlgeschlagen mit "ECONNABORTED - Verbindung abgebrochen".
Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen
Habt ihr eine Idee woran das liegen könnte?
In english: Trying to connect to my FTP server but getting the mentioned error, any idea why?
Wenn ich die Verbindung ohne TLS herstelle oder über den webftp Zugang, funktioniert es, also geht irgendwas in Richtung Verschlüsselung schief, aber was? -
Okay, I already found the issue. I had the "always use https" activated on firefox, added an exception to it and now it works.
I have a wordpress installation running on a domain which is not set to our server DNS yet, so I am using the Alt. URL of it to access the backend and make changes etc.
The Alt. URL is always like dmn12.myserver.tld
Today I wanted to log in again to do some work on it but I am always forwarded to the server default page and can not access the wordpress page or the backend.
Any idea what could be the issue here?
Thank you for your help! -
Scheint auch nicht zu funktionieren.
Ich steige da nicht durch glaub ich.
Bietet das irgendwer von euch als Dienstleistung an? -
Nein. Die sollten nur gleich sein.
Okay, also einfach einmal alle INWX DNS Einträge im iMSCP anlegen?
Probiere ich mal, danke.