Posts by sutorinfo


    hopefully I'm not trolling with this post. ;) I'm referring to the closed topic…ssin-Unerwarteter-Fehler/
    team-o and Tappi

    Of the mentioned plugins, the one of PolicydSPF is red and missing in the wiki.
    As well are PolicydWeight and Postgrey.

    But you can find the same and relevant information for PolicydSPF at github:…ator/PolicydSPF/
    Perhaps s. o. pastes this into the wiki?

    Installation brought an error with some text as:
    "Could not install ... file ... to /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailgraph/tmp_graph/mailgraph...png"

    Added directory manually, changed owner and group.
    Restarted (forced) Installation.
    Installation completed.
    Found 13 files inside tmp_graph directory afterwards. Have to wait, 'till the graphs are populated ;-).

    It happened again.
    Screenshot added.

    Text is:
    "Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Min_SQL has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/adminer/adminer.php on line 187Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Min_DB has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/adminer/adminer.php on line 205Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Min_Result has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/adminer/adminer.php on line 234Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; TmpFile has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/adminer/adminer.php on line 584Warning: Declaration of Min_DB::connect($O, $V, $G) should be compatible with mysqli::connect($host = NULL, $user = NULL, $password = NULL, $database = NULL, $port = NULL, $socket = NULL) in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/adminer/adminer.php on line 208"

    Clicking on "reload page" in Firefox made the text disapear permanently. For now ;-)

    PHP configuration for the domain is "Do NOT show errors".

    On an actual new install with
    - debian 8.7
    - php7.1
    - i-mscp 1.4.2
    - Adminer 1.0.1

    Installation was OK. :)

    But when first time calling from the left side menu I could see just below the top black bar 1-2 rows of php-error code. Well, sorry for a missing screenshot, but when calling a second time, this message has gone. No difference between calling as client or admin. Same behaviour at both apps, the SQLEditor and SQLAdminer screens. I will keep an eye on this app, may have been only an issue of running conditions. But nevertheless wanted to report. ?(

    After that error-flash working is OK. :)

    Hi @Speddy and @flames

    I'm using OVH for some years now. At the time of my decision they got the best price/value ratio. As you mentioned, with the SoYouStart offering you get dedicated servers starting from 50 EUR. I installed the proxmox Version they offered themselves. At the time of my installation that was ok for me, I had few experience with virtualization. Perhaps next time I would start with a tiny debian and do the proxmox installation myself. As "never change a running system" all is running, is still there.

    My experience in all these years is quite good. Didn't felt these partioning bounderies so far. Nor did I realize bandwidth problems. BUT: my traffic is still small enough. No nationwide audience ;-) Generally: all providers are expanding. OVH now builds a new datacenter in Germany. Maybe soon, I can test traffic, when providing videos to a local audience. The machine: stable. Uptime since ever. No crash. Only once everything stood still, when I was under attac. There I appreciated very much, that i-mscp uses nginx!

    Concerning installation: indeed, you have to do some postinstallation to get your networking. Their help pages were good enough, found my stuff. Today, after installation I only need few lines on the virtual console, then I'm able to continue with ssh. For the whole thing I'm writing a tutorial, but that will take some time. Have to mention, that all these things are cooperating very good with i-mscp! I only have to fix one issue, as I have to use an external DNS-Provider, who don't allows a shared Nameserver Set.

    Well, nothing is perfect: I got in trouble when using these failover IPs. A good part of service, but mine had been used by spammers before so I had to clean them and wipe them out of some blacklists. But that's a general problem which has to be solved by others. IPs are recycled more and more. I'm mostly relying on IPv4, not using v6 so far. DKIM ans SPF are working well.

    Hotline: had contacts via E-Mail, tickets and phone. My impression: very friendly, very customer oriented, very competent.

    As of today, I would recommend them, well, at least SYS. But this was true with other providers and then changed at some point...

    Hallo zusammen und ein Gutes Neues Jahr!

    Als zusätzliche Information: ich nutze von OVH kein Hostingpaket, aber ein physikalischer Server mit Virtualisierungssoftware existiert dort. Aus Flexibilitätsgründen erfolgt die Domainregistrierung bei einem weiteren Dienstleister. Standardmäßig ist die TTL hoch eingestellt, Server sollen lange laufen ;-)

    Bei Neuinstallationen ist eine neue Domain i. d. R. sofort (Sekunden) erreichbar. Änderungen benötigen etwas länger, das Caching hängt aber auch von den Einstellungen der Netzprovider ab. Da gehen die Zeiten ziemlich weit auseinander! In den Domaineinstellungen beim Hoster sind Wildcards aktiv, Subdomains erledigt i-MSCP. Und das ebenfalls unverzüglich.

    Meine Erfahrungen mit OVH sind bisher im Übrigen sehr positiv.

    A great opportunity to thank the i-MSCP team very much for their work!

    Just think of that: short after reporting this issue we had a bugfix the same day.
    And remember: it was Sunday!
    It's the opensource way.

    Great team!
    Great support!


    Bonjour @Stev02,

    moi je ne parle francais tres bien...
    Dans le forum il y a un coin international. Peut'etre c'est possible pour @Nuxwin d'ouvrir une place pour les francais?

    Concernant l'ARM:
    J'ai just installe i-MSCP sur une machine avec:
    Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 230 @ 1.60GHz, Cores: 2, Cache: 512KB, RAM 2048MB.
    Performes tres bon.

    Thank you for your explanation. This is, how I understood this. My post was a bit unstructured. The case above will only be a problem when setting up multiple machines:

    Machine (loc) One (in FR) Two (in DE)
    IP (example)
    Servername as given by Service Provider (remains as alias)
    Servername FQ as given by Admin (myself)
    Suggested panel name bi i-MSCP
    Wanted panel name
    Annotations itself may be located on a third machine. will work too.

    There are two independent installation processes resulting in doubled domain names. I think, this will have some effect on the "M" in MSCP. Could be a feature, too, if from I could administer all machines where any of them containes all informations. Could serve for failover systems. Could work, if could get its own IP, but most Providers here offer only 1 (v4) per machine.

    In the installation process the first machine will act in the known way. When it comes to the second machine, the existing first one will be detected and its up to a subroutine to establish the communication chain (e. g. submitting all database entries to machine one, especially its own IP). But that belongs to your started discussion for i-MSCP v2.0.

    As you told above, we are able to edit this name (to wanted panel name) and this solution works for me. Only wanted to mention this usecase. Thanks very much again for your explanation.