An error appears while upgrading the panel

  • @Nuxwin
    I did upgrade a server with a build "20131028". The upgrade was successfully but while upgrading i got at the end one error



    iMSCP::Net::getAddrType: Invalid IP:

    I did take a look in the imscp-setup.log

    The server location is an intranet but i do not need the public ip. So i left the question blank.


  • Hello ;

    get identical error. I'll fix that.


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  • I just upgraded to 1.1.12 on my vServer and also got that "Error while performing step: Restarting/Reloading policyd-weight" error.... but setup went further and showed me "Congratulation...."

    So I've started it manually after the upgrade

    # service policyd-weight start
    [ ok ] Starting policyd-weight: policyd-weight.

  • I get this issue sometimes, nuxwin also saw that on my server but didn't know why this was happened.

    The only thing I remember was to restart it manually, THEN re-run the setup program to get to the end WITHOUT errors, the installer can run some commands after to get the setup over, just a security mesure to run it again so ;)

  • I just upgraded to 1.1.12 on my vServer and also got that "Error while performing step: Restarting/Reloading policyd-weight" error.... but setup went further and showed me "Congratulation...."

    So I've started it manually after the upgrade

    # service policyd-weight start
    [ ok ] Starting policyd-weight: policyd-weight.

    ^^^only wanted to tell that the same happened again upgrading from 1.1.12 to 1.1.13

  • Before upgrading, ensure that this service is running, or even, restart it just before the upgrade process, that should do the trick.

    Nuxwin likes this.