@ninos: Sure
Btw: german are crazy -------------> Standardauthentifizierungsoptionen
Such all-in-one word...
@ninos: Sure
Btw: german are crazy -------------> Standardauthentifizierungsoptionen
Such all-in-one word...
haha yes, and don't forget the polite form
BTW: May "Standardauthentifizierungsmethoden" is the better word. If there's another translator, he's free to change it
Have seen it. Yes will have a look on it
@Ninos, in the pushed file, I bet the following string are wrong:
He moved the parameter which is not only the plugin name I think your translation is better for these strings
Jip, will change it
PS: I'll use the the informal "Du" instead of the formal "Sie". (In french: tutoyer)
The InstantSSH plugin version 2.1.0 has just been released.
Version compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.1.15 (Plugin API 0.2.12)
Usage note
The development of this plugin took me a lot of time, especially the JailBuilder layer which allows to build the jailed shell environments. Thus, I would ask a small contribution for use of this plugin by doing a donation on my paypal account ( paypal@nuxwin.com ). If you don't understand such asks, or if you do not want donate, just don't use this plugin.
Hi Laurent.
I'd updated my DEV-Server to i-MSCP 1.1.16 and after this i updated the InstanSSH plugin.
When i add a second key i got this error
If you add the first key it works. But after deleting and adding a new one the error appears again
Yes. Or delete the first and add a new one for the same customer