
  • Not nessessary, imscp 1.2.4 was planned for yesterday but will be released today. With that also the new plugin..

  • Hi,

    managesieve will not work in my environment :( I updated imscp to version i-MSCP 1.2.8 Build: 20150620.. after this I uploaded the RoundcubePlugins, changed the config.php to activate managesieve, activated the plugin, waited 2 minutes and looked for the pluginlist in roundcube:

    additional_message_headers 1.2.0 GPLv2
    archive 2.3 GPLv3+
    calendar 3.2.4 AGPLv3 Herunterladen
    contextmenu 2.1 GPL-3.0 Herunterladen
    dkimstatus --
    emoticons 1.3 GPLv3+
    filesystem_attachments 1.0 GPLv3+
    imscp_pw_changer --
    jqueryui 1.10.4 GPLv3+
    libcalendaring 3.2.4 AGPLv3 Herunterladen
    logon_page 0.1 GNU AGPLv3 Herunterladen
    newmail_notifier 0.7 GPLv3+
    odfviewer 3.2.3 AGPLv3 Herunterladen
    pdfviewer 1.0.0 AGPLv3 Herunterladen
    pop3fetcher --
    tasklist 0.9-beta GNU AGPLv3 Herunterladen
    zipdownload 3.0 GPLv3+

    What is wrong with my environment? :(


  • Nice to hear that your server has an AI..^^

    There is a nuxwin bot inside it <X


  • Fixed that the RoundcubePlugins didn't load the managesieve plugin

    1. cp /var/cache/imscp/packages/vendor/imscp/roundcube/src/plugins /managesieve /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/ -R

    This command did the trick for me @VirtualCed

    Edited 4 times, last by Levitas ().

  • What's that for a line? Have you activated the managesieve in the config.php file + reloading plugin list in admin panel?