mailboxes backup

  • Great! Thanks! Do you know also if there's a planned enhancement for backup procedure?

    Shouldn't that be your part to plan and perform such an important task? How do you expect imscp to do that? Save the backup anywhere else on the same hdd and if the hdd crashes, it's also gone? It's very very simple to backup mails. And the best: all you need, beside of a second storage anywhere else, is rsync!

    In my opinion, it's not sufficient to backup just parts of a system. So get up and get familiar with rsync, duplicity and whatever - it's kinda simple.

  • as @biologist said, server backup strategy is administrators task.
    the build in backup feature in i-MSCP is meant for the customers, so they have an easy access to their webspace backups.

  • Anyway, as talked internally, the backup feature will be review from scratch. We will add a new backup feature for customers which will be able to trigger backup from their interface directly. The current backup solution is ineffective. To resume the idea is:

    • Administrator should be able to activate/deactivate backup feature and set max number of backup a customer can trigger per day.
    • Reseller should be able to activate/deactivate backup for a specific customer and set max number of backups which a customer can trigger per day (which cannot be upper than value set by administrateur)
    • Customer should be able to trigger backup according its permissions and download it.

    Backup request will be queued to avoid X backup run at same time.

    For a full backup strategie, the administrator will have to rely on an external solution. Of course, some plugins can be developed too to provide such external solution.
