DNS problems

  • I have a fresh Debian Squueeze install with imscp

    My problems:
    - experimental dns settings doesn't works. When i add a new experimental record then i see that in the imscp, but the zone file is wrong, all subdomains removed from that
    - i can't create spf (txt) record
    - i can't modify the zone file by hand like in the ispcp, because when i change something than the zone file will recreate completly.

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • I'll review it.


  • - experimental dns settings doesn't works. When i add a new experimental record then i see that in the imscp, but the zone file is wrong, all subdomains removed from that

    Please test fix in fix

    - i can't create spf (txt) record

    Will be added in short time.

    - i can't modify the zone file by hand like in the ispcp, because when i change something than the zone file will recreate completly.

    This is part of recovery process and will not be changed. Instead we will implement a full dns editor

  • Please test fix in fix

    Thanks a lot, i will try this at evening.

    Will be added in short time.

    that would be nice

    This is part of recovery process and will not be changed. Instead we will implement a full dns editor

    Yes, this is the solution, but i tried modify because i must set these domains.

    Thanks a lot again :)

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • Sorry, i was offline in the last 2-2,5 weeks. Thanks a lot for your very quick help.

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch