After update of my i-mscp

  • Good morning,

    I used to in past i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc2.3. Now I try upgrade my iMSCP - Multi-Server Control Panel to last version i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.6. I saw that lot of things was changed. For example the icons which was under login form disappeared. I mean phpMyAdmin, Filemanager and webmail. For me it was better. Is there a chance to give this icons under login form manually? How? Or in new stable version it will be there?

    Thank you for your answers and sorry for my English :cool: .


  • yep, just add them in /var/www/imscp/gui/themes/default/index.tpl
    its a simple html template. here is the old code, i am not sure if the corresponding css is still there, you can try to readd the following code after login div (its from old version)

    1. <ul>
    2. <li><a class="icon_big pma" href="{TR_PMA_LINK}" target="blank" title="{TR_LOGIN_INTO_PMA}">{TR_PHPMYADMIN}</a></li>
    3. <li><a class="icon_big filemanager" href="{TR_FTP_LINK}" target="blank" title="{TR_LOGIN_INTO_FMANAGER}">FileManager</a></li>
    4. <li><a class="icon_big webmail" href="{TR_WEBMAIL_LINK}" target="blank" title="{TR_LOGIN_INTO_WEBMAIL}">{TR_WEBMAIL}</a></li>
    5. </ul>

    or just your own html links, if the above doesnt work.
    the tool-links were removed because of security, they are still available for every customer when you log in.

    Edited once, last by flames ().

  • Thanks, I will have to make my own html links because this doesn't work. But no matter I'll fight with that :D


  • I am on the rocks... I try do it but it doesn't work right.

    I give this to index.tpl:

    1. <div id="toolbox"> <ul> <li><a class="icon_big pma" href="/pma" target="blank" title="{TR_LOGIN_INTO_PMA}">{TR_PHPMYADMIN}</a></li> <li><a class="icon_big filemanager" href="/ftp" target="blank" title="{TR_LOGIN_INTO_FMANAGER}">FileManager</a></li> <li><a class="icon_big webmail" href="/webmail" target="blank" title="{TR_LOGIN_INTO_WEBMAIL}">{TR_WEBMAIL}</a></li> </ul> </div>

    And after that i give this to simple.css file :

    and the result is:


    something missing in the css file, but i don't know what. If somebody know please help me :) .

    Thank you.


  • You entered this code:

    It's normal that you get the result which you posted above since you set the link name like it. You need to change the {TR_*****} parts or edit the language files if that method works for other links. Or a language file isn't loaded (correctly).
    I don't know if that's 100% correct, but just a guess from other systems.

    Have a nice day. :)

  • Since the links were removed from the core, the placeholders such as {TR_PHPMYADMIN} are no longer parsed.. You must either re-add them (in the related php file) or hardcode the names in the html file.
