Mail autoconfiguration for Thunderbird and Outlook

  • With this howto mail settings get automatically configured if a user sets up an email account in Thunderbird or Outlook 2007+.

    If the user has the email account, the mail clients look in different locations:
    Thunderbird looks for settings in:…nfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml
    Outlook looks for settings in:

    Since I have a DNS wildcard for every domain to the server I use autoconfig.*/autodiscover.*.

    1. edit 00_master_ssl.conf (or whatever your first SSL virtual host is)
    Add this alias in the "SECTION custom" block:

    1. Alias /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml /var/www/imscp/gui/public/autodiscover/autodiscover.php

    2. Put the files autodiscover/autodiscover.php and mail/config-v1.1.xml (see attachment) in the imscp public folder (or to the htdocs folder from the first virtualhost):
    And adjust them to your needs. (I configured TLS and with IMAP/SMTP)

    3. reload apache:
    service apache2 reload

    4. done ;)

    [size=large]You need to do this howto every time you update imscp!

    - Both Thunderbird and Outlook display a certificate warning for the SMTP/IMAP domain, since there is probably no valid certificate for You can also use as IMAP/SMTP server if you have a valid SSL certificate for it.
    - Outlook also shows a SSL warning for
    - You can also configure POP3 instead of IMAP, see the documentation for the correct settings.
    - You can also setup a seperate vhost with "Serveralias autoconfig.* autodiscover.*" and PHP configured. This one wouldn't be deleted on imscp updates but needs a bit tinkering.

    (The TLS option is undocumented for Outlook, I found it somewhere on the internet...)


    Edited once, last by Jadawin ().

  • Since I have a DNS wildcard for every domain to the server I use autoconfig.*/autodiscover.*.

    I had issues with a customer who had a similar config, as the TLS certs won't match the URL, unless you have a wildcard cert.

  • Nice feature.. But i think it is better to use a plugin for your solution.
    So you don't need to change the templates

    I have my own git repo for changes like this.
    But if I'm motivated enough some day I will do the work and would also do a suitable UI with some options... (configuring a configuration for autoconfiguration to configure a mail account in a mail client, yay xD)

    I had issues with a customer who had a similar config, as the TLS certs won't match the URL, unless you have a wildcard cert.

    Then you can go with the domain, Outlook looks also in

  • Very interesting stuff, I will adopt part of it, I guess I'll prepare a catc-all site for all my domains, and create the dns entries for the domains to point there.

    A pointer to more information at microsoft. One interesting thing is that you can allow both imap+pop3 while preferring one of them (IMAP users tend to fillup the server space)

  • Any fixes for last control panel ?
    php is not allowed in /var/www/virtual/default,
    so you can not parse config for outlook express.
    Thunderbird works like a charm.