Questions regarding php

  • I already figured out that safe_mode and magic_quotes got disabled at php 5.4.
    If I try to enable log_error in the php.ini and after restarting the apache server I'll get a 500 (internal server) error. :(

    Figured out too, that I need to disable the php_editor for the domain if I want to change things manually. But still, log_error should be still usable in php 5.4. :S

    Someone knows why? If you need any logs or more information, just ask please. :)

    Have a nice day. :)

  • I already figured out that safe_mode and magic_quotes got disabled at php 5.4.
    If I try to enable log_error in the php.ini and after restarting the apache server I'll get a 500 (internal server) error. :(

    Figured out too, that I need to disable the php_editor for the domain if I want to change things manually. But still, log_error should be still usable in php 5.4. :S

    Someone knows why? If you need any logs or more information, just ask please. :)

    You mean "log_errors" <-- with the "s" at the end?

    1. log_errors = On
    2. error_log = "/var/log/apache/php-error.log"
  • nice one, ciscllc. exactly since a year you're registered here, and 4 posts, you support newbies the nice way.
    Iceman, so geht das mein froooind ;)

  • To be honest flames, you just did one more or less helpful post. Every other post was just shit against newbish questions. :S That isn't something which I expect from a staff member, even if "newbish" questions are annoying. Just to inform you, I just forgot to write the s from log_errors in this topic. The name was correct in the php.ini. ;)

    Anyways, problem is solved ... in the hectic I miss'ed the semicolon from the log path. Shame on me ... -_-
    I checked for writings errors or wrong formation but ignored the semicolon. Thanks ciscllc. :)

  • To be honest flames, you just did one more or less helpful post. Every other post was just shit against newbish questions. :S That isn't something which I expect from a staff member, even if "newbish" questions are annoying. Just to inform you, I just forgot to write the s from log_errors in this topic. The name was correct in the php.ini. ;)

    Anyways, problem is solved ... in the hectic I miss'ed the semicolon from the log path. -_-
    I checked for writings errors or wrong formation but ignored the semicolon. Thanks ciscllc. :)

    Hello ;

    Well, read all your posts and you'll be able to understand why Arthur ( flames) is talking in such a way.

    BTW: Pay attention to your ass... Such sentences "... was just shit against newbish questions ..." can cause you some problems... It's the first time so, I do nothing but next time, you get warned officially !

    i-MSCP is a software which allow to manage a shared hosting environment. This is not a small Web software that can be used by noobs, which lack of knowledges... I'm talking about basis knowledges here (Linux bases, PHP, APACHE...).

    We are happy to help but sometime, this become a mess, mostly when we discover that the user don't even read the doc (here PHP doc)... ;)

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Well, you're right there. I could used other words to describe that and I'm sorry for that, but you need to see it the other side too.
    When users asking for help, then you can't think that everyone makes everything perfect without a single mistake. They won't need support if they can do everything. And I bet you forgot some code/sings too (maybe not nowadays, but in the past/when you started). ;) :)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for your work and that your staff members are helping but even if guys asking stupid question, even then you should help them without giving them the feeling that you don't like them and/or that you think they are total noobs (which isn't the case most times since total noobs aren't even able to use linux).
    That's what I meant, nothing more. :S