Hi guys
I don't know where to post - hope it's ok here.
There are some people who are interested in running i-MSCP on newer platforms like Debian 11 Bullseye or the respective Ubuntu and Devuan releases...
I took the last 1.5.3-maintenance (Dec 31 2021) and with a few changes it's installable on Debian Bullseye - even the click on every page seems to be ok (thanks to aadehan for the correction of the services.php - I'm sure also the other commits on his custom branch will be worthy), also the pages with the ticketing system will load now.
Now we need testers:
- older Debian (Buster and maybe Stretch) and especially the supported Ubuntu versions and maybe Devuan (I'll check Devuan - it's on my focus).
- find update problems
- find problems with plugins...
- find other problems.... or update parts with newer versions...
I'm not very used to git but if everyone who is interested can contribute a little bit we should be able to keep this piece of software running...
Update (2022-06-07): Debian 10 Buster and Debian 9 Stretch are fine with a new installation.