Hi, it is necessary that I activate proc_open which is one of the disabled functions under php.
I work with php switcher and php 7.1.11. How can I activate this under i-mscp, only for one domain
Thank you Ulrich
Hi, it is necessary that I activate proc_open which is one of the disabled functions under php.
I work with php switcher and php 7.1.11. How can I activate this under i-mscp, only for one domain
Thank you Ulrich
Good morning,
This is same as with default PHP version. As reseller, you need give the correct permissions to your customer (PHP Editor), then as customer, you need edit the PHP permissions.
Thank you, I hope I didi it right
Under i-MSCP User php edit, i changed disabled function to only EXEC
At the terminal under: /opt/phpswitcher/20180821/php7.1/etc/php-fpm.d
I open 'mydomain.conf' and edit the line: php_admin_value[disable_functions] = exec,passthru,phpinfo,popen,proc_open,show_source,shell,shell_exec,symlink,system (removed proc_open). Save and restart 'service psw7.1-fpm restart'
Now everything works fine
Very comfortable -:) I did not realize that after I enabled php settings disabled function under USER, I could enable/disable the individual PHP settings functions under Domains php settings. Sorry for my blindness Thanks.
Great that all is clarified.
Thread closed.