I started a new thread because I haven't got an answer to my second post (11.04) as the the thread was tagged "question answered".
I'm currently trying to move i-mscp from 1.1.22 to 1.4.3 and followed these steps:
- #On Old Server
- mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > /root/database.sql
- #On new server
- rsync -aPEhe ssh --exclude=*backups* --stats root@oldIP:/var/mail/virtual/ /var/mail/virtual/
- rsync -aPEhe ssh --exclude=*backups* --stats root@oldIP:/var/www/virtual/ /var/www/virtual/
- #edit these files to remove vuxx users
- /etc/shadow
- /etc/group
- /etc/passwd
- scp root@oldIP:/root/database.sql /root/database.sql
- mysql -u imscp_user -p < /root/database.sql
- #Execute the following SQL queries:
- # mysql -u root -p<password>
- use imscp; #your imscp config
- update domain set domain_status = 'ok';
- update subdomain set subdomain_status = 'ok';
- update domain_aliasses set alias_status = 'ok';
- update subdomain_alias set subdomain_alias_status = 'ok';
- update mail_users set status = 'ok';
- update admin set admin_status = 'ok', admin_sys_name = null, admin_sys_uid = 0, admin_sys_gname = null, admin_sys_gid = 0;
- exit;
- /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure --reconfigure
I made the mysqldump on the old server with the root user as it's still a 1.1.22 version.
After moving everything on the new server and when importing the mysqldump with the imscp_user, I get the following error when executing this command:
/var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure --reconfigure
[ERROR] iMSCP::Stepper::_callback: Could not create the imscp_user@localhost SQL user: Error while executing statement: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'imscp_user'@'localhost' at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/Servers/sqld/mysql.pm line 196, <$fh> line 12.
Anyone knows what the cause could be?