Migration Problem

  • Hello,

    I started a new thread because I haven't got an answer to my second post (11.04) as the the thread was tagged "question answered".

    I'm currently trying to move i-mscp from 1.1.22 to 1.4.3 and followed these steps:

    I made the mysqldump on the old server with the root user as it's still a 1.1.22 version.
    After moving everything on the new server and when importing the mysqldump with the imscp_user, I get the following error when executing this command:

    /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure --reconfigure
    [ERROR] iMSCP::Stepper::_callback: Could not create the imscp_user@localhost SQL user: Error while executing statement: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'imscp_user'@'localhost' at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/Servers/sqld/mysql.pm line 196, <$fh> line 12.

    Anyone knows what the cause could be?

  • Update your old Server to 1.4.3 first and then try again.

  • Unfortunately the old server is still on Debian wheezy (7.11) and 1.4.3 won't work with wheezy. As it's my my productive server with a lot of domains on it, I'm a bit scared of the upgrade as I got a lot of problems with i-mscp no longer working the last time (upgrade from 6 to 7). But I guess, it should be the best solution for now :(

  • Unfortunately the old server is still on Debian wheezy (7.11) and 1.4.3 won't work with wheezy. As it's my my productive server with a lot of domains on it, I'm a bit scared of the upgrade as I got a lot of problems with i-mscp no longer working the last time (upgrade from 6 to 7). But I guess, it should be the best solution for now

    If you're so affraid, you can let's us take care of the upgrade.



  • OK I have upgraded my old server to Jessie and then upgraded to i-mscp 1.4.3 and finally migrated to the new server. Everything went well this time :)
    Thanks a lot guys for your help and the effort you put in this project! Much appreciated!