Error on letsencrypt renewal

  • Hej...

    I guess I got the same problem like BigBen in letsencrypt >Fehler - the renewing doesn't work and shows following status:

    @Nuxwin You've solved the problem with a forced renewal. Could you tell me how?

    Thanks a lot,

    Ubuntu 16.02.4 LTS
    i-MSCP 1.3.16
    LetsEncrypt-Plugin Version 2.0.5 (Build 2017010201)

    --- das glas ist halb voll ---

  • @team-o

    See let's encrypt fehler


    1. The server experienced an internal error :: Error creating new authz

    That error shouldn't occurs. This is surely a boulder issue. If you cannot figure out alone, give me access to the server.


  • @team-o

    Sometime, some errors can occurs due to:

    • network congestion
    • Failure coming from the LetsEncrypt boulder
    • DNS failure
    • ...

    So yes, making a new attemp generally solve the problem. I'll try to enhance the interface in next release to make usage more confortable for end-users (customers).
