LetsEncrypt recreate or disable cert

  • Hello,
    I've two hosts with certificat problems in the gui. Creating a cert for a host is no problem. As there is no button I cannot disable LetsEncrypt for the host.
    How to disable/revoke ther certificate ?

    LetsEncrypt 2.0.5
    IMSCP 1.3.16

    Thanks in advance !

  • Hello,

    Show us a screenshot please.


  • Screenshot is attached, I don't know how to resent the request.


    • screen.png

      (34.64 kB, downloaded 28 times, last: )
  • Please give us the result of the following SQL query:

    1. SELECT letsencrypt_status, letsencrypt_previous_status FROM letsencrypt WHERE domain_name = '<domain_name>'

    Replace <domain_name> by the domain_name.

    I think that you'll have a result such as:

    letsencrypt_status: Current error message as shown in your screenshot
    letsencrypt_previous_status: torenew

    So if yes, that means that there is a renewal problem. You can make a new renewal attempt through the debugger interface that is availables at: admin/imscp_debugger.php (admin level).

    Note that on a renewal error there is currently no way to short-circuit the action. The only thing allowed is to make a new attempt as said above.

    In your case, it seem that renewal fail due to an ACME validation problem. Such problem shouldn't occurs. So please, make a new renewal attempt and once done, post use the full content of the /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log file (privately if you prefer).
