Ich denke die meisten verwenden als Mailserver-Cert keins von Letsencrypt.
Für meine Mailserver verwende ich Class2 Zertifikate von StartSSL und habe 2 Jahre Ruhe
Mail Client und Zertifikate
- not a bug
- web4you
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Ich denke die meisten verwenden als Mailserver-Cert keins von Letsencrypt.
Für meine Mailserver verwende ich Class2 Zertifikate von StartSSL und habe 2 Jahre RuheSame for me
Ok now - only one simple question - am i the ONLY one with this problem here? i cant believe it sorry.
No, you're not. It's the same problem if you would use windows live mail or Outlook.
But please follow one of the suggestions to solve your problem.
Kess also wrote "..and as I can see you still continue to use web4you-gmbh.ch as the CN for your certificate", if this is true and in your postfix conf I can see "myhostname = web4you-gmbh.ch" it can't work with mail.web4you-gmbh.ch or smtp.web4you-gmbh.ch for example. You can't use subdomains if your cert only knows web4you-gmbh.ch.
Do the following (for testing):
change your hostname to mail.web4you-gmbh.ch, create a cert for mail.web4you-gmbh.ch and change the hostname in your postfix conf to mail.web4you-gmbh.ch
All your customers only need mail.web4you-gmbh.ch for "Posteingangsserver" and "Postausgangsserver". This is how it works for me.
Best regards
The problem here is not i-MSCP nor the letsencrypt plugin... all is about configuration and good understanding of ssl... sorry for late answer. I was in Paris for a meet with konzeptplus gmbh and Pydio core team.
Envoyé de mon SM-A510F en utilisant Tapatalk
Thanks for all that informations.
Could it bee possible to copy the Letsencrypt to LeteEncrypt_imap and change all www.<something like www_cname> in all files to <imap_cname> and intall it like the original one? And then the same thing with smtp. ??
The main problem are my customers. After every change the call me couse this not thrusted cert info.
StartSSL war mal richtig gut. Für Browser jetzt wohl nicht mehr.
Gilt der Entzug des Vertrauens auf für Outlook & Co.? Wer weiß was genaues?
Wenn ja, sitzen viele auf einer Zeitbombe, die im Januar hoch geht. )):
Da wärs schon schick, LetsEncrypt am Start zu haben.
Gruß Mock -
Do you have european Time?