i have some trouble to update the pop3fetcher plugin from 1.9. to 1.9.1
I fetch the source from GitHub an copied over the existing files. like described at https://github.com/morepaolo/roundcube-pop3fetcher
After that i edited the mysq.sql file and executed it with mysql -u root - p <mysql.sql and i i have to edit the file "main.inc.php". But i cant find this file. Can you please help me to find the right file?
Cause after i did this stept, inside of Roundcube i saw only the information, that ther is a new version - 1.9.1 and nothing changes..
Thank you a lot.
Also i had a lot of other Questions but this on a later time.
Just to explain me, i want to create here a litte server, where all of our familimembers can have there emails and all other things at one place an i thougt, that i-MSCP is the right way to do that. I was til now only a Desktopuser with Linux an so it should be that there can come some stupid questions but i try befor i asked to youse something like google.
Thank you,