Could I set www to another IP address?

  • Hello,
    If I want set a domain of www A record to another IP.How to do it?
    I know the default www will set cname.If I want set www to another IP address.Could I do it?
    Thanks a lot.

  • Hey there, ATM just with modifications or by writing a listener-file..

  • Cannot tell you in detail. Have never tried it, sry..

  • @flames

    I know you did such kind of thing in past with a listener. You could help here?


  • You are using the internal bind?

    Have a look at the /var/cache/bind/domain.db file as bind is using this files and the working directory is just a backup (asaik)

    I prefer using external nameservers as you should always have at least 2 nameservers for any domain.

    Edited once, last by ciscllc ().

  • No add this listener-file to /etc/imscp/listener.d/ (or something like that) and then restart the imscp-autoinstall. This listener-file acts like a plugin.

    PS: May you need to modify it to your needs.