Posts by Nuxwin

    I try to install i-mscp in Version 1.5.x on an Debian 9.5 PC

    You mean the GIT version from our github repository?

    The first error happens when i try to install mysql. The installation crashes with the Info the "mysql/mariadb...." also a new try with the perl imscp-autoinstall -dr fails with the same error.

    We need the exact error, else, we cannot help...

    After a new installation of Debian (i wanted a clean PC) iI tried to choose mariadb and it works. If the installation process is ready i reboot the PC and oh ... no connection to the Internet... i check with ifconfig and so the LAN-Adapter is away. No LAN only lo is up and running.

    So i tryed es till now 6 times and my PC is being newly installed the7th time today.

    1. Well, first, it is a TRUE debian server installation without any X server or do you try to install i-MSCP on a Debian with a X server (desktop)?
    2. Before installing i-MSCP, what was the content of your /etc/network/interfaces file?

    Please provide us with all relevant information, else, we cannot help.


    Nothing hang. There is an error somewhere and the error that you've reported is not clear enough.

    Please do the following:

    1. stop the imscp_daemon service: service imscp_daemon stop
    2. For the Let's Encrypt with revocation error, click on the Force retry button in the UI
    3. Process the pending backend requests manually by running the following command: perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -dv
    4. Provide us with the full output of the command above

    Once done, don't forget to start the imscp_daemon service again: service imscp_daemon start

    BTW: Please make use of bbcode.


    The problem is due to the fact that you have run the Let's Encrypt Certbot client manually (with Apache plugin). In other words, you have generated a LE vhost for SSL which is not managed by i-MSCP and which take precedence over the one generated by i-MSCP. Once I've disabled that unmanaged vhost, the problem has been fixed. You should really considere to purchase our LetsEncrypt plugin do avoid such problems.

    In order, I've done the following:

    1. I've switcher the PHP version for the domain to PHP 7.1: Result: 503 error
    2. I've disabled the vhost ( a2dissite && service apache2 reload Resut: No more error.

    Note that I've done that only for the domain. I let's you manage the issue for other domains for which you have also generated a Let's Encrypt vhost...

    Oh, ja. Den MX Record habe ich noch nicht angepasst. Danke für den Tipp.

    Also sollte ich einfach ein LetsEncrypt Zertifikat für die Domain "" erstellen und dieses im Mailserver einbinden?

    Well, if is your i-MSCP server hosted, that is also the mail host. With the i-MSCP LetsEncrypt plugin, you have just to enable let's encrypt for the i-MSCP services (admin side).

    We don't provide any support for use of the Certbot client outside of our plugin context.

    Thread closed.

    Ich habe einen frisch aufgesetzten Debian 9 Server mit i-MSCP 1.5.3 und phpswitcher 4.0.3. Das installieren der PHP Versionen hat mit der AutoInstall funktion gut funktioniert.

    Leider funktionieren alle domains nur auf der Standard PHP Version 5.6.32, egal welche PHP ich per Switcher in der Domain auswähle wird sofort 503 Service unavailable angezeigt.

    Ich habe erfolglos ein

    /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure php

    The command is wrong. Please switch to UDS using the correct command line option, that is:

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -dr php

    Next time please, post in the right section Support and in english !

    BTW: You should also switch to Per site PHP configuration.

    Victor Faur

    This error occurs because you've updated the SQL server to a newest version. You should be able to fix the problem as follows:

    1. Create a specific configuration file to switch back to default MySQL 5.5 behavior by running the following command:

    1. printf "[mysqld]\nsql_mode=\n" > /etc/mysql/conf.d/sql_mode.cnf

    2. Restart the MySQL server:

    1. service mysql restart

    3. Process the pending i-MSCP backend requests

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -dv

    See also

    Regarding the change that affects you:…qlmode_only_full_group_by