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Posts by Nuxwin
Vérifiez le statut du serveur Nginx: service nginx status
LetsEncrypt - SSL certificate renewal not working - Cron job abort due to missing bind variable
You should avoid to run certbot manually as doing this do not update the expire date in database and so, renewal will never work.
Please search on the forum.
1. You can upgrade to latest version by following the documentation
2. You can either bought SSL certificates where you want or purchase our LetsEncrypt plugin which make you able to setup as many free SSL certificates as you want. You need upgrade your i-MSCP version first.
Apart the fact that the SSL certificate is already revoked, I don't see any error there. Wel, I'll check the error parser inside the plugin because normally, if the SSL certificate is already revoked, the plugin should just go ahead:
Perl- sub _getNewStatusFromErrorString
- {
- my ( undef, $status, $errStr ) = @_;
- return 'Unknown error' unless defined $errStr;
- return 'todelete' if $errStr =~ /certificate already revoked/i;
- return 'todelete' if $status eq 'todelete' && $errStr =~ /\Qno \E(?:\Qcertificate found\E|\Qexisting certificates found\E|\Qsuch certificate\E)/i;
- # Errors that lead to pending task such as a Let's Encrypt rate limit hit, service outage...
- return 'pending' if $errStr =~ /
- (?:\Qglobal certificate issuance limit reached\E|\Qthe server experienced an internal error\E|\Qtoo many \E(?:
- \Qcertificates already issued\E|\Qcurrently pending authorizations\E|\Qinvalid authorizations recently\E|\Qregistrations from this ip\E))
- /ix;
- #return 'pending' if $status eq 'todelete';
- # Error with no particular treatment
- $errStr;
- }
So, there is a problem with the DB schema. I'll check that this evening.
To be sure:
You tried on debian Stretch, with i-MSCP 1.5.x and you have chossen MySQL 5.7, right?
I don't see any error here... Well please execute the following command as root user:
Code- /usr/local/sbin/certbot revoke --email --agree-tos --user-agent-comment i-MSCP-LetsEncrypt/3.5.0 --non-interactive --work-dir /var/lib/letsencrypt --logs-dir /var/log/letsencrypt --max-log-backups 100 --reason unspecified --cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/
and provide us with the full output.