LetsEncrypt plugin - Cannot revoke SSL certificate - Command died at line 896, propagated at line 899...

  • Hi,

    a renewal of a cert did not work so i tried to revocate.

    Now i get this error:

    Died at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/LetsEncrypt/backend/LetsEncrypt.pm line 896.

    ...propagated at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/LetsEncrypt/backend/LetsEncrypt.pm line 899.

    I use i-mscp 1.5.3, with LE 3.5.0 on Ubuntu 16

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Best wishes


  • sfsolutions

    Nothing hang. There is an error somewhere and the error that you've reported is not clear enough.

    Please do the following:

    1. stop the imscp_daemon service: service imscp_daemon stop
    2. For the Let's Encrypt with revocation error, click on the Force retry button in the UI
    3. Process the pending backend requests manually by running the following command: perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -dv
    4. Provide us with the full output of the command above

    Once done, don't forget to start the imscp_daemon service again: service imscp_daemon start

    BTW: Please make use of bbcode.


  • Nuxwin

    Changed the title of the thread from “Revocation of certificate hangs on let's encrypt” to “LetsEncrypt plugin - Cannot revoke SSL certificate - Command died at line 896, propagated at line 899...”.
  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label wait for reply
  • Hi,

    here is the output.

  • sfsolutions

    I don't see any error here... Well please execute the following command as root user:

    1. /usr/local/sbin/certbot revoke --email niels@sf-solutions.net --agree-tos --user-agent-comment i-MSCP-LetsEncrypt/3.5.0 --non-interactive --work-dir /var/lib/letsencrypt --logs-dir /var/log/letsencrypt --max-log-backups 100 --reason unspecified --cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/zahnaerzte-westend.de/cert.pem

    and provide us with the full output.


  • here it is:

    1. root@ispcp:~# /usr/local/sbin/certbot revoke --email niels@sf-solutions.net --agree-tos --user-agent-comment i-MSCP-LetsEncrypt/3.5.0 --non-interactive --work-dir /var/lib/letsencrypt --logs-dir /var/log/letsencrypt --max-log-backups 100 --reason unspecified --cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/zahnaerzte-westend.de/cert.pem
    2. Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
    3. root@ispcp:~#

    and here from the log:

  • sfsolutions

    Apart the fact that the SSL certificate is already revoked, I don't see any error there. Wel, I'll check the error parser inside the plugin because normally, if the SSL certificate is already revoked, the plugin should just go ahead:
