Here you go:
Keep in mind, you need shorewall6 for ipv6 traffic / ip6tables.
Mostly standard config, except "ADMINISABSENTMINDED" activated (see file routestopped), "ACCOUNTING" is deactivated (imscp does it already), "IP_FORWARDING" activated (for ssh forwarding and vpn)
- ################################################################################# Shorewall Version 4 -- /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf## For information about the settings in this file, type "man shorewall.conf"## Manpage also online at S T A R T U P E N A B L E D###############################################################################STARTUP_ENABLED=Yes################################################################################ V E R B O S I T Y###############################################################################VERBOSITY=1################################################################################ L O G G I N G###############################################################################LOGFILE=/var/log/messagesSTARTUP_LOG=/var/log/shorewall-init.logLOG_VERBOSITY=2LOGFORMAT="Shorewall:%s:%s:"LOGTAGONLY=NoLOGRATE=LOGBURST=LOGALLNEW=BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL=MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL=infoTCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL=infoSMURF_LOG_LEVEL=infoLOG_MARTIANS=Yes################################################################################ L O C A T I O N O F F I L E S A N D D I R E C T O R I E S###############################################################################IPTABLES=IP=TC=IPSET=PERL=/usr/bin/perlPATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbinSHOREWALL_SHELL=/bin/shSUBSYSLOCK=""MODULESDIR=CONFIG_PATH=/etc/shorewall:/usr/share/shorewallRESTOREFILE=IPSECFILE=zonesLOCKFILE=################################################################################ D E F A U L T A C T I O N S / M A C R O S###############################################################################DROP_DEFAULT="Drop"REJECT_DEFAULT="Reject"ACCEPT_DEFAULT="none"QUEUE_DEFAULT="none"NFQUEUE_DEFAULT="none"################################################################################ R S H / R C P C O M M A N D S###############################################################################RSH_COMMAND='ssh ${root}@${system} ${command}'RCP_COMMAND='scp ${files} ${root}@${system}:${destination}'################################################################################ F I R E W A L L O P T I O N S###############################################################################IP_FORWARDING=OnADD_IP_ALIASES=NoADD_SNAT_ALIASES=NoRETAIN_ALIASES=NoTC_ENABLED=InternalTC_EXPERT=NoTC_PRIOMAP="2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2"CLEAR_TC=YesMARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=NoCLAMPMSS=NoROUTE_FILTER=YesDETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS=NoMUTEX_TIMEOUT=60ADMINISABSENTMINDED=YesBLACKLISTNEWONLY=YesDELAYBLACKLISTLOAD=NoMODULE_SUFFIX=koDISABLE_IPV6=NoBRIDGING=NoDYNAMIC_ZONES=NoPKTTYPE=YesNULL_ROUTE_RFC1918=NoMACLIST_TABLE=filterMACLIST_TTL=SAVE_IPSETS=NoMAPOLDACTIONS=NoFASTACCEPT=NoIMPLICIT_CONTINUE=NoHIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=NoUSE_ACTIONS=YesOPTIMIZE=0EXPORTPARAMS=YesEXPAND_POLICIES=YesKEEP_RT_TABLES=NoDELETE_THEN_ADD=YesMULTICAST=NoDONT_LOAD=AUTO_COMMENT=YesMANGLE_ENABLED=YesUSE_DEFAULT_RT=NoRESTORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE=YesAUTOMAKE=NoWIDE_TC_MARKS=NoTRACK_PROVIDERS=NoZONE2ZONE=2ACCOUNTING=NoDYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=YesOPTIMIZE_ACCOUNTING=NoLOAD_HELPERS_ONLY=NoREQUIRE_INTERFACE=NoFORWARD_CLEAR_MARK=YesSMURF_DISPOSITION=DROP################################################################################ P A C K E T D I S P O S I T I O N###############################################################################BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=DROPMACLIST_DISPOSITION=REJECTTCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION=DROP#LAST LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE
just ignore the vpn part
- ## Shorewall version 4.0 - Sample Zones File for one-interface configuration.# Copyright (C) 2006 by the Shorewall Team## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.## See the file README.txt for further details.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-zones"################################################################################ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT# OPTIONS OPTIONSfw firewallnet ipv4vpn ipv4
- ## Shorewall version 4.0 - Sample Interfaces File for one-interface configuration.# Copyright (C) 2006 by the Shorewall Team## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.## See the file README.txt for further details.#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-interfaces"################################################################################ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONSnet eth0 - logmartians,nosmurfsvpn tun0 detect dhcp,optional- lo - ignore
- # For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-policy"################################################################################SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST$FW net ACCEPT$FW vpn ACCEPTvpn net ACCEPTvpn $FW ACCEPT# The FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LASTall all REJECT
I once had multiple IPs (each with different open ports) and configured them here
- # file gets executed by shIP_0=myipv4
- in a single ip setup you just need to write $FW instead of $FW:$IP_0
- standard ports are the imscp services except mysql but includes ssh port 22 and all the SSL ports for mail and http.
- if your server serves DNS for some domains, open port 53
- set the proftpd passive ports to what is configured in your proftpd.conf
- the rules file for ipv6 is really the same but the icmp protocol is named "ipv6-icmp"
- #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE ORIGINAL RATE USER/ MARK# PORT PORT(S) DEST LIMIT GROUPSECTION ALLSECTION ESTABLISHEDSECTION RELATEDSECTION NEW# all -> all# Policy: rejectACCEPT all all icmp# internet -> server# policy: rejectCOMMENT Standard portsACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp 21,22,25,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995#ACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp,udp 53COMMENT proftpd passive portsACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp 60000:65535COMMENT ejabberdACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp 5222,5269,8010COMMENT MinecraftACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp 25565COMMENT VNCACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp 5901:5909COMMENT openVPNACCEPT net $FW:$IP_0 tcp,udp 1194
if you stop* shorewall/shorewall6, the rules here are activated.
if you activate ADMINISABSENTMINDED, then open connections stay active, otherwise they would be cut off. The server can also make new connections to the internet.
- eth0 - source,dest,notrack tcp 22
* stopping shorewall means stopping all the traffic from/to the server. It's somehow an emergency brake. But be aware, this does not help against UDP DDOS attacks.
Hope it helps