Posts by texxasrulez

    Debian 8.6 - Jessie
    i-MSCP 1.3.8 - Horner
    Cronjobs 1.4.1

    I am unable to create a cronjob for the 10th of the month.

    Log error:
    [Fri Dec 9 12:40:01 2016] [warn] Plugin::CronJobs::_writeCronTable: Use of uninitialized value $cronPermissionType in string eq at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/CronJobs/backend/ line 444, <$fh> line 370.

    To reproduce, try to make a cronjob for the 10th of the month. I have it set for one minute after midnight for the 10th when I get error "Invalid value for the 'Day of month' field."

    I have tried other dates (not every single day) with zeros (ie 20, 30) and various other days with a successful addition.

    Thank you for your help ...

    My bad. I assumed a self hosted environment ... Makes all the difference in the world ... I am just a poor country boy and I don't host for money. I do it for myself a few friends and just trying to expand my knowledge. I understand now MS requires something a little different. I dumped MS Office years ago. Long live LibreOffice ....

    I always like learning something new .... :)

    I figured as much. Why I said I may be wrong. Back when I did use DNS solely on my machine, I was getting crazy hits (thousands per minute) for DNS requests, I decided to use outside source ....

    Thanks as always ...

    From what I understand, if you are not a domain registrar yourself, you still have to use your domain registrar for certain things as well ... I could be wrong, but my DKIM didn't work until I added to my domain registrar as well ...

    It has been years since I did the research on self hosting, so I couldn't find exact references I used, but to be a "true" hoster, you should have multiple static IP's and you should have a backup, separate DNS server for redundancy. I use my machine at home as well as my domain registrar for the redundancy. It is a little bit more work, but it works well for me.

    Have a good one ...

    With my system, DKIM is setup automatically within i-MSCP, then you must go to your domain registrar, in my case godaddy, and setup DKIM there as well.

    Login to you domain registrar, setup a TXT record set HOST to "mail._domainkey" TXT VALUE to "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email; p=your_key_given_by_imscp"

    Don't use the quotes I show above ...

    Hope this helps you ...

    That makes it very clear to me now. The only mention I see in errata is to disable InstantSSH if older than 5.0 and CronJobs ...

    Nothing wrong with your "wronglish ". I understand you better than some people that only speak english in USA. I am a Texan and we speak our own language anyway, so I have learned to adapt. 8)

    As always, many thanks and keep up the great work.

    I do totally appreciate i-MSCP and all its developers. I used i-MSCP for a while before I even registered as a user to make sure I figured it out before I started posting and asking questions.

    I remember reading to not disable lets encrypt but slipped my mind. It sucks getting old. 8| Thanks for pointing that out. I have no issues with cert being overwritten. It works perfectly. I even closed my browser and cleared cache just to thoroughly test and is fine. So maybe this is a confirmation.

    This makes for a good update guide. So would it be safe to say to disable all plugins except LetsEncrypt if you are using it for panel and services before an update? That is unless something is pointed out in errata data of course ...

    Many Thanks to you all .... :thumbsup:

    i-MSCP 1.3.8
    Debian 8.6
    PHP 5.6

    I see posts describing problems with updating to new versions of i-MSCP, so I decided to post I have updated to 1.3.8 with no issues what so ever. Nice, easy and seamless. No errors at all. It is pretty simple and straight forward. It is a must to read errata data prior to beginning update to see if anything special is needed before and sometimes after update is completed.

    I run apt-get and update my system. I disable all my plugins, stop imscp_panel and run update. Easy as pie IMHO ...

    Keep up the great work ... :D