Posts by texxasrulez

    It would be nice to have a plugin where a newbie user could just view system logs and errors easily within i-MSCP Panel with access to as many logs as can be defined. It would make finding errors for certain things we all know pop up here and there and resolve issues.

    i-MSCP has quickly become my favorite panel. I have tried many over the years and the development and frequent updates give me great confidence in its future.

    Keep up the great work ... :)

    I have i-MSCP 1.3.0
    ALL current Free and Paid (except PHP Switcher) plugins installed (I did disabled all except Mailgraph 1.1.0 when trying to figure it out myself)
    Fresh install of Debian 8.5
    Php 5.6.24

    I have a great working system, thanks for that by the way, and the only problem I am having is the graphs/images on the Mailgraph page does not update. I have made sure the cron was enbled in the config file /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailgraph/config.php It is as follows: (with quoted text taken out for clarity)


    return array(

    'cronjob_enabled' => true,
    'cronjob_config' => array(
    'minute' => '*/5',
    'hour' => '*',
    'day' => '*',
    'month' => '*',
    'dweek' => '*'

    I can disable and then enable the Mailgraph plugin and it will give me a fresh current image but it still never updates on its own.

    I have ZERO errors in any of my logs to give an indication of anything going on for me. I do appreciate any insight on the matter. Thank you and keep up the great work.

    First time poster to forum but long time lover of i-MSCP. :)

    I am adding this last bit here. I searched the forums and did not find a simliar thread until after I posted. It is by AlpineSwiss ( Sorry for dual threads