strange things during migration

  • today I have migrated a v1.1.2 into a V-Box ...
    after running perl imscp-autoinstall -d
    the installer started and skipped all the customer rebuilding steps
    I tried a few times but I had to run a:
    perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr
    to complete the migration ...
    is there something changed in perl?
    for me it looks like a problem with perl or a problem with running under a KDE konsole ...
    without the graphical installer everything worked w/o any problem
    also imscp debugger do not show any errors

    if I switch to users in CP it get:

  • tried to udpdate 1.1.2 > 1.1.5

  • Hello;

    First error is surely because you have an orphan entry.
    Second error is because you have two databases with same name..

