Posts by fulltilt


    I can not confirm that.
    Works without problems.

    same kernel version?

    If I start with all apache filters enabled I found this in the log:

    1. 2014-07-01 10:14:04,676 fail2ban.jail : INFO Creating new jail 'apache'2014-07-01 10:14:04,677 fail2ban.jail : INFO Jail 'apache' uses Gamin

    and the F2B start comand hungs, I can wait 30 minutes nothing happens

    1. [....] Starting authentication failure monitor: fail2ban

    I also checked the size off the logfiles, but there is no file greater than 50MB ...
    it always stops at the same domain error log:

    1. 2014-07-01 10:14:07,964 fail2ban.filter : INFO Added logfile = /var/log/apache2/

    the pid and sock file is available under /var/run/fail2ban
    but I have no response from my shell start comand ... I always have to press STRG+C

    below is how it looks without any apache logfile, in this case I am able to stop, start and restart fail2ban
    if I activate any filter of apache fex. apache overloads or any other with the logpath /var/log/apache2/*/error.log
    it wont start or restart, I have to kill all processes by hand and disable the apache filter before I can start F2B.
    Before the kernel update I never had any problems with fail2ban ...

    Debain Wheezy, Kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64
    can anyone confirm this problem?


    Plugins ??? You want surely say "the filters"... What are the filters which doesn't work anymore?. Post them here.

    BTW: Post moved in the correct section

    this is just a sample, ALL other apache filters do not work anymore, I posted it here because I do not know if there is a problem with the location of the apache logs

    1. [apache-overflows]enabled = trueport = http,httpsfilter = apache-overflowslogpath = /var/log/apache2/*/error.logmaxretry = 2findtime = 3600bantime = 2592000

    what the hack is jail xxx uses gamin?
    this is the first time i see this in the F2B logs ...

    i can use only this two plugins ... all other apache plugin wont start with fail2ban anymore:


    enabled = true
    port = http,https
    filter = roundcube
    logpath = /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/logs/errors
    maxretry = 6


    enabled = true
    port = http,https
    filter = apache-badbots
    logpath = /var/log/apache2/*/access.log
    maxretry = 1
    findtime = 3600
    bantime = 2592000

    this is strange:

    debian wheezy

    after reboot because of a kernel and php update, fail2ban wont start ...
    it seems it can not handle the apache logfiles or non-existing logfiles
    if I disable all apache plugins from fail2ban it starts ... I dont know if this is a problem with the logpath or non-exist logfiles
    any idea?

    my log path and config:

    1. [apache-overflows]
    2. enabled = true
    3. port = http,https
    4. filter = apache-overflows
    5. logpath = /var/log/apache2/*/error.log
    6. maxretry = 2
    7. findtime = 3600
    8. bantime = 2592000

    habe auch das gleiche Problem, der Restore bricht ab und setzt die Domain auf Fehlerstatus ...
    die Fehlermeldung kannst Du im PMA unter Domains > Status
    wieder auf ok setzen
    das mit dem Restore scheint ein Bug zu sein ...?

    I'm not quite sure about the reason for the crash ... could be a package or configuration problem
    I had already tested migration to mariadb in a Vbox with same database and it worked well, maybe the special my.cnf from mysql is not compatible with mariadb ...
    But I guess it would be a good idea to test in a VM with same packages and config files.