Posts by VirtualCed


    I have a main machine with i-Mscp 1.1.0-beta1 running.
    I want to have a secondary dns on a separate server.
    By the way, as the secondary dns is on a separate network, it could be a good idea to have a secondary MX server too.
    I've read the forum for the dns part, and found several solutions...
    On my old config, ispcp I used this tuto…ndary-dns-for-ispcp-howto that worked great.
    Is it the best way to do ?
    Or should I install a second imscp as slave dns ?
    Or use the scripts found on this forum ?

    Thanks for the feedback...


    Can you please post your self made script and how you call this script on the command line?

    My script, used on iscp, is easy :

    it's called

    1. export UTIL=$(ls -lad /var/www/virtual/$1/htdocs/ | awk {' print $3 '})chown -R $UTIL:$UTIL /var/www/virtual/$1/htdocs

    I just called it by

    But the permissions tree seems different here...

    It should be, maybe

    1. export UTIL=$(ls -lad /var/www/virtual/$1/htdocs/ | awk {' print $3 '})
    2. chown -R $UTIL:www-data/var/www/virtual/$1/htdocs

    At first.. Your scp command wont copy any hidden files The "*" only copy not hidden files. If you want to scp hidden files to (only the hidden files in the first folder) you need to use a command like this

    1. scp -rp /var/www/virtual/ newserver:/var/www/virtual/

    Nice to learn for the future...

    If you create the .htaccess on your own and you get an 403, check the permissions and the owner of this file.
    Maybe you can post content of the .htaccess.

    The problem is there is no .htaccess file, neither on the source server, neither on the new server :

    1. ┌─( root ) - ( 3.2.0-27-generic ) - ( /var/www/virtual/ )└─> ls -lhatotal 24Kdrwxr-x--- 3 vu2008 vu2008 4,0K juil. 27 18:16 .drwx--x--- 9 vu2008 www-data 4,0K juil. 27 18:05 ..-rw-r----- 1 vu2008 www-data 53 juil. 27 18:16 googlee2116e01f7abd362.htmldrwxr-x--- 2 vu2008 www-data 4,0K juil. 27 18:16 images-rw-r----- 1 vu2008 www-data 304 juil. 27 18:16 index.html-rw-r----- 1 vu2008 www-data 199 juil. 27 18:16 style.css

    for gOOvER : there is no php in my site just html... so the suexec.log does not give us interesting things...

    1. [2012-07-27 18:17:23]: uid: (1004/vu2007) gid: (1004/vu2007) cmd: php5-fcgid-starter[2012-07-27 18:17:35]: uid: (1001/vu2000) gid: (1001/vu2000) cmd: php5-fcgid-starter[2012-07-27 18:40:26]: uid: (1004/vu2007) gid: (1004/vu2007) cmd: php5-fcgid-starter[2012-07-27 18:46:11]: uid: (1004/vu2007) gid: (1004/vu2007) cmd: php5-fcgid-starter

    And says always the same error...

    1. [Fri Jul 27 18:22:38 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable[Fri Jul 27 18:22:39 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable[Fri Jul 27 18:22:39 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable[Fri Jul 27 18:23:24 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable[Fri Jul 27 18:24:45 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable[Fri Jul 27 18:24:46 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

    Something strange : I just solved it typing

    1. chown vu2008:www-data htdocs/

    But what's strange... is on another folder I have strange rights :

    1. ┌─( root ) - ( 3.2.0-27-generic ) - ( /var/www/virtual )
    2. └─> ls -lhad */htdocs
    3. drwxr-x--- 3 vu2008 vu2008 4,0K juil. 27 23:22
    4. drwxr-x--- 3 vu2006 www-data 4,0K juil. 24 11:26
    5. drwxr-x--- 3 vu2004 www-data 4,0K juil. 13 12:50
    6. drwxr-x--- 3 vu2011 www-data 4,0K juil. 27 18:10
    7. drwxr-x--- 3 vu2009 www-data 4,0K juil. 27 18:09
    8. drwxr-xr-x 6 vu2007 vu2007 4,0K juil. 25 22:03
    9. drwxr-x--- 3 vu2010 www-data 4,0K juil. 27 18:09

    So, is there a reference about the correct permissions to set ?
    Sometimes the group is vu20xxn some time the group is www-data


    Here is my setup :

    1. Linux panel 3.2.0-27-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 6 14:25:57 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits
    I-MSCP 1.1.0-beta1

    Here are the steps I'm following to copy sites from an ISPCP 1.0.7 server.

    - Create user on the new server (
    - Clean the folder

    1. rm -fr /var/www/virtual/*

    - Copy files via scp

    1. scp -r /var/www/virtual/* newserver:/var/www/virtual/

    - Launch a self made script to give the right ownership to the files ($ :

    1. export UTIL=$(ls -lad /var/www/virtual/$1/htdocs/ | awk {' print $3 '})chown -R $UTIL:$UTIL /var/www/virtual/$1/htdocs

    Then I try to access my site and got error 403

    In the logs I have

    1. [Fri Jul 27 18:26:29 2012] [crit] [client 195.46.235.xx] (13)Permission denied: /var/www/virtual/ pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

    but the file /var/www/virtual/ does not exist.
    I've tried to change the permission on the files, tried to create this .htaccess file... but nothing worked...

    At this time, what I need, is the opportunity to permit my customers to choose between internal mail system or Google Apps.
    The only solution I found is to have two servers, one with dns_tpl modified and one normal.
    The only boring situation is when a customer changes his idea...
    Needed to move the site :(
    So when I saw the option called external mail, I've just imagined ok, let's see.
    You choose external mail and then :

    • no mail accounts defined locally
    • no reference about this domain in the config of the internal mail system
    • no mx record predefined
    • mandatory to define other mx records (like the one of google)

    Regarding your answer, TheCry, if I understood, it means this option is good to act as a secondary MX server ? Not for using another one like Google Apps ?

    When you ask where I've defined the domain ? Well, on the server it self.
    Using and independant dns server could be a solution... just the hassle of manual add an entry everytime a user wants a subdomain....

    As I'm good undestanding, I'm going to have to keep two separate server.. One for Google Apps and one for internal mail, right ?


    External Mailservers are only aviable from 1.1.0 +

    I'm effectively talking about version 1.1.0Beta1

    Just have to wait information from the dev :)
    Caus' as it's on hosting plan level, it couldn't involve manual changes in the dns template...

    .... I have an idea... let me check....

    No wrong idea.
    I thought maybe with the option "external mail" checked, there won't be the mx defined and you have to add a personalised DNS Record with the correct MX...
    So I've created a test domain on the plan with the option External Mail server and the MX record value 10 is set on the local server :(

    So... let's wait a dev :)

    One of my customers complaints his mails are often rejected by the system du to "too strict Helo controls".
    He is using a SME Windows Server to send his mail from the office and the name is not correctly defined (and no way to change it du to internal dumb politics).
    He wants a solution on the server to solve this case.

    I've seen in the setup of beta1 of 1.1.0 the possibility to choose a less strict mode (it seems it's exactly what I want).

    So, is it possible to set it up on or already working server ?
    Is it possible to choose it after an upgrade from to 1.1.0 ?

    Thanks for your support


    I'm currently using the (hmmm sounds I'm going to upgrade it to
    I have two servers installed : one with Google Apps defined as default (manually changed the dns templates + set no mail accounts on the hosting plans) and the other one using normal mail system).

    I'm testing the beta1 of 1.1.0 and see in the hosting plan "external mail server".
    I'm curious and highly interested in the possibility to manage one server and to choose a plan with external mail server and a plan with the internal one instead of managing two servers... But I don't have any idea how to use this feature.

    I found this thread in the forum after a search :…mailserver-with-backup-MX but i'ts more related to manual changes like I made on the actual servers than the usage of the new feature.

    Any idea where to find the userguide to test this feature ?

    Kind regards

    I have a production server on IspCP 1.0.6
    Due to some modifications I made, I prefer not migrate to 1.0.7.
    And as the machine is pretty old, I decided to put a new server in place, with I-mscp RC2
    I've created the needed users (don't need to move all the users), created the mail accounts, the ftp accounts, the databases setup, the databases themselves.
    I moved the data too.

    But for the database, it's easy to find passwords used on the old server (just looking in the config files of the user's scripts hosted like wp-config.php) I have a problem for the mail and the ftp accounts.

    On IspCP those passwords are md5 crypted and not on imscp.

    Is there a way to decrypt the passwords on ispcp to use them in imscp ?

    I found some pieces of code somewhere on german threads, but unable to use them (probably missing something..)