@Nuxwin I'll try this, and record what I do for reference. (screenflow)
It if fails, we'll try using Teamviewer but my connection at home is so bad it's a real hard to use system.
@Nuxwin I'll try this, and record what I do for reference. (screenflow)
It if fails, we'll try using Teamviewer but my connection at home is so bad it's a real hard to use system.
So, before the upgrade, I was able to use the same certificate for both panel and mail/ftp services, but now I'll have to buy several certificates ?
And there is no way to use the same one for both ?
All my customers have their ftps account configured to use panel.cqfd.net as server, their mail accounts configured to use panel.cqfd.net for IMAPS and SMTPS
And now it's not possible anymore ?
So I'm in the obligation to buy an expensive wildcard certificate thanks to this upgrade ?
No way to use the same system as before ??
I bought the certificate when there was a special deal at GoDaddy (4$ per year per cert) so I bought for five years and now, I have to buy a wildcard certificate for more than 200$ per year ?
What's the goal of such updates ?
First of all, I made the search on the forum for other ssl issues.
It's probably linked but I'm not able to link the errors I have and the solution proposed.
I just made update from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9. I was surprised by the new questions asked so I can't guarantee I gave the correct answers.
So after reading the threads, I made a
I give the .key file when asked.
When the Intermediate certificate was asked I give the sf_bundle.crt (Starfield certificate) as follow :
It's in two parts, the intermediate and the root, isn't it ?
Then I give my crt file.
I have no error message. Everything sounds ok.
When I check the certificate
https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltes…yze.html?d=panel.cqfd.netIt sounds correctly installed.
When I check any of the customers certificates (no self signed, same provider, and with the same intermediate bundle in the GUI), it's ok too
https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=cqfd.netBut when I try to connect to FTPS service, Filezilla gives this error
and when connecting using Outlook on SMTPS or IMAPS I have
And if I use a computer secured by Avast, I have
So, it "could" be linked to the ROOT CA as mentioned in other thread, but I'm sceptic as on the web server it sounds ok.
It sounds it uses auto signed certificate for smtps, imaps and ftps instead of the one I provided for the panel (in the past, it used the self without any issue) as I've answered no when the installer asked if I have a wildcard certificate for *.panel.cqfd.net
Should I say yes and choose the same files when asked ?
I'm available for a teamviewer or a screen -x on the server if needed.
Kind regards
As I don't want to use ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com on each domain, but I choose to use my hardcoded dns, after each upgrade I run a little script.
It copies the db_e.tpl with my settings, change the database and then launch the manager
But this time, I got the following errors :
It seems to generate one error per domain. But.. everything seems working.
I'm stressed
Thanks God, you saved my life
I have exactly the same issue.
Available for a teamviewer (but my adsl is not really performant)
I'm a little bit lost.
Since the last updates, all my domains are using ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com
As I want to use the same dns servers definition (myserver.mydomain.ext and mysecondserver.mydomain.ext)
So I've edited the files in /etc/imscp/bind/parts/ (I've edited db_e.tpl and db_master_e.tpl)
Then I stopped the daemon
I've launched the Mysql Client to change values
Then I quited the mysql, and launched the requester
I ran superfast (doing nothing)
And then restart the daemon.
Of course nothing was updated.
Could someone tell me what's wrong with this ?
Thanks for your help
Cedric (Using 1.1.0-rc3 on Ubuntu Server)
CloudFlare has a partner program and proposes some API, "easy to integrate" in a panel.
I'm approved for this program. I have access to the documentation, the API, everything... But don't have enough knowledge to write the plugin.
I can provide support, testing, but no development from scratch for this kind of plugin.
In one of the last beta, it was written than SpamAssassin and Clamav should be installed as plugin. But I don't have any idea how to develop it. So if someone as some information...