I really don't know why this happen.

    Some more information that could be important:

    The "" Domain is added as an alias domain to an customer account in i-MSCP and "" and "" are the nameservers that i'm using for all domains. When I enter these into the listener file and run the setup, apache won't start anymore. When I delete these two nameservers from the listener file and run the setup, everything works.

    Like I said already, i removed the listener file and edited the bind template manually, like all the versions before, so everything works on my server now. But with the listener file it would be a bit easier and the changes won't be deleted when updating i-MSCP.

    I know that my nameserver setup is little bit weird at the moment. I'm working on it to get an extra domain only for "ns1" and "ns2" without creating an i-mscp customer and so on.

    Problem found.

    This have something to do with the listener file from @flames Listener::Named::Zonetransfer - Zonetransfer to Secondary Nameserver + Howto.

    I'm using both listener files. The first listener file for zonetransfer works perfectly (Thanks flames! :) ), but the second one which removes the default nameservers and adds custom out-of-zone nameservers seem to cause the apache error. The nameservers I entered were and and exactly this domain is in the apache error. I removed now this listener file and now it's working. :)

    Thanks for your help! :)

    Edit/small addition:
    The second listener file is working, only Apache can't start. But the zone files are generated with the correct nameservers! :)


    I updated some minutes ago from 1.1.x to 1.2.x with the NightlyUpgrade script from the wiki.

    The error:

    1. [ERROR]
    2. Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::start: Unable to start apache2 service
    3. main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart Httpd (Apache) service
    4. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occured while performing installation steps
    5. /home/ 44: cd: can't cd to /var/www/fcgi/

    When I look into /var/www/fcgi there are folders for all domains that are hosted on my server, except for one. That's the one mentioned in the error message. Why the folder won't be created for this domain? I cannot create the folder manually, because it seems like the installer rewrites the complete folder.

    1.2.x Git
    Debian 7.8 Wheezy 64bit

    Thanks in advance!

    Problem solved by @Nuxwin :) Thank you :)

    You need to add some things into the config.php file of the CronJobs plugin.

    In the bashshell application section, you need to add the following path in the paths parameter: /etc/localtime.
    In the cron application section, you need to add the following device in thedevices parameter: /dev/random.

    Once done, save the file and click on the "Update Plugins" button in the Plugin management. Then should everything work perfectly! :)


    I have a problem with the CronJobs plugin. Maybe this problem have something to do with my lack of experience with cron jobs.

    I've created a cron job (see screenshot).

    When the job will be executed, i get this e-mail:

    Subject of the e-mail:

    1. Cron <vu2003@srv01> /usr/bin/wget -t 1 --connect-timeout=5 --dns-timeout=5 --read-timeout=3600 -O /dev/null --no-check-certificate ''

    Text of the e-mail:

    1. --2015-01-10 23:00:01-- no entropy gathering module detectedAborted

    1. When I run the command from the subject of the e-mail in the ssh console, everything works. No error. Why it isn't working when the command will be executed over the cron job?

    2. Why is in the e-mail standing 23:00 when the cron job will be executed at 24:00? The date and time that will be shown when executing

    1. date

    is correct. When I run this small php script

    1. <?
    2. echo date('d.m.Y, H:i:s');
    3. ?>

    the date and time is correct, too. I don't unterstand from where are coming the 23:00.

    Some informations about my system:

    Debian Wheezy 7.7 (amd64)
    Git 1.1.x (updated about a week ago)
    Dovecot and Apache FCGID
    CronJobs Version 1.0.1

    Thanks in advance and thank you for this great project!


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