I updated some minutes ago from 1.1.x to 1.2.x with the NightlyUpgrade script from the wiki.
The error:
- Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::start: Unable to start apache2 service
- main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart Httpd (Apache) service
- autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occured while performing installation steps
- /home/git_i-mscp.sh: 44: cd: can't cd to /var/www/fcgi/domain.de/php5
When I look into /var/www/fcgi there are folders for all domains that are hosted on my server, except for one. That's the one mentioned in the error message. Why the folder won't be created for this domain? I cannot create the folder manually, because it seems like the installer rewrites the complete folder.
1.2.x Git
Debian 7.8 Wheezy 64bit
Thanks in advance!