
    I used the smarthost listener also some time ago. Maybe you have the same problem like I had.

    Take a look at the relay password file. Default path is "/etc/postfix/relay_passwd", as far as you haven't changed it in the listener file ($saslPasswdMapsPath).

    You might have the same account with 2 different passwords in it. If that's the case, just remove the file and rerun the i-MSCP setup.


    You are in no way annoying me! ;) I'm very happy that you try to help me! :)

    I tried different configurations.

    1. Try: I just let everything like it is. I just changed the username and the password. Everything else was perfect for me.

    2. Try: I set

    1. $secondaryDnsUsername = '';

    to disable the authentication for testing purposes.

    3. Try: I set

    1. $setOnlyAccessableBySecondaryDnsServer = 0;

    so that any host can access the transfer script for testing purposes.

    4. Try: I set

    1. $manualSecondaryDnsServers = '';

    to manually specify my name servers for testing purposes.

    5. Try: I discovered the the "domain" folder won't be created under /var/www/imscp/gui/public so I played a bit with

    1. $htpasswdFilePath = $main::imscpConfig{'GUI_PUBLIC_DIR'} . '/domain/.htpasswd';

    and with

    1. $transferScriptFilePath = $main::imscpConfig{'GUI_PUBLIC_DIR'} . '/domain/index.php';

    No luck. Nothing worked. The "domain" folder just does not get created.

    Like I said, my "dream configuration" would be just the default configuration. I would only change the username and the password.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    I tried today the old version from UncleJ including the nginx protect location domain listener. This version worked about a month ago on my 1.2.1 installation without problems. Now I get the same behavior with the old version on 1.2.11. No folder with the name "domain" will be created under /var/www/imscp/gui/public . With the 1.2.1 installation it worked without problems. There was also no problem with the creation of the "domain" folder.

    I can't find any hints in the imscp-setup.log file.

    Maybe something got changed in i-MSCP in the last versions, so that there is a problem when listeners want to create a folder there?

    I have no idea anymore. I tried it yesterday so many hours and today the whole day. I don't get it solved. I hope someone have a idea.

    Thanks in advance!


    I hope someone have an idea how to solve my problem.

    I'm using i-MSCP 1.2.11 with the zone transfer listener from the contrib directory.

    My second name server is configured like in this tutorial: Listener::Named::Zonetransfer - Zonetransfer to Secondary Nameserver + Howto

    When I want to run the I get this:

    1. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
    2. 2016-01-15 00:02:44 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

    I already added both name servers in the i-mscp configuration. I don't know where the problem is. One thing I've found is, that the /var/www/imscp/gui/public/domain directory is still clear. As far as I understood the code, there should be a index.php and a .htpasswd file.

    I've no idea what's wrong. I appreciate every way of help!

    Thanks in advance!


    I tried now to disable authentication and also disabling the restriction of which hosts should be able to transfer zones. I still get a 403: Forbidden.

    Du solltest mal in die Apache Logs schauen, was da so um die oben genannten Uhrzeiten passiert ist.

    Die Weboberfläche von i-MSCP wird durch NGINX ausgeliefert und nicht wie die Webseiten durch Apache.