i want to change the php ini level for fcgi in imscp 1.1.5.
No it is "per site" and i want it to "per domain".
How do I change it without reinstall the imscp?
best regards
i want to change the php ini level for fcgi in imscp 1.1.5.
No it is "per site" and i want it to "per domain".
How do I change it without reinstall the imscp?
best regards
hey community
I am running I-MSCP on a Debian Wheezy (7.0) Server.
I had problems with the old version so i installed the new beta (its now released)
With this beta i had per user one php.ini File.
But in the Beta the Mail Server had some problems with mail directorys..
Anyway. I updated to the 1.1.0 release and the mail Server with directorys work fine.
But i dont have a php.ini file per User.
How can i add this after i installed it? It is asked in the automatically installation.
I tried to run the autonstall again to change it but i dont have any possibilty to change that.
After upgrading to 1.1.1 i didnt have the option, too.
Best regards from Germany
Yea it would be very nice to have this.
You said it Its good for free webspace for friends or sponsoring.
If you will implent something like that, it would be very nice
I am sure that it isnt registered. The URL itself (for example xxx.com is registered but xyz.xxx.com isnt.
I have 2 resellers
Version is on the screen (the prntscr link)
Hallo Communty
Seitdem ich die neuste Version von IMSCP habe kann ich keine Benutzer mehr für Subdomains erstellen.
Sagen wir ich habe die hauptdomain xxx.de
Dort will ich jetzt xyz.xxx.de haben. Die soll aber ein eigener Benutzer sein der dann auch datenbanken undso für sich selber erstellen kann.-
Wieso ist das in der neusten Version nicht mehr möglich?
Halli Hallo ihr
Habe eine kurze Frage:
Wo finde ich die php.ini Dateien in der neusten Beta Version für Wheezy?
i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.6
Build: 20131028
Codename: Eagle
php ini suche:
root@web:/# find -name "php.ini"
Schöne Grüße