Subdomain als eigener Benutzer?

  • Hallo Communty

    Seitdem ich die neuste Version von IMSCP habe kann ich keine Benutzer mehr für Subdomains erstellen.

    Sagen wir ich habe die hauptdomain
    Dort will ich jetzt haben. Die soll aber ein eigener Benutzer sein der dann auch datenbanken undso für sich selber erstellen kann.-

    Wieso ist das in der neusten Version nicht mehr möglich?

  • Hello ;

    What is the i-MSCP version you are using exactly? Do you have many resellers? Are you sure that this subdomain is not already registered on your system? Check the database please (domains, domain aliases, subdomains...) to be sure that you do not have such orphan record.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I am sure that it isnt registered. The URL itself (for example is registered but isnt.

    I have 2 resellers

    Version is on the screen (the prntscr link)

    Re ;

    Version 1.1.0-rc4.6.

    This is not the last available Release, isn't it? Please before posting such a thread, you should at least try the last available version. Once you'll have updated to latest version and if you get this error again, I'll get in contact with you for online support.

    BTW: you cannot add as new domain if the domain is already registered on your system. It's the expected behavior. In such a case, you can only add as subdomain using the customer account ( Adding a new customer account using a sub-zone of an already registered domain was never implemented in i-MSCP. If you was able to do so, this was simply a bug.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Edit:

    If you want, we can discuss about the following feature:

    Adding an option which can allow a customer to release its domain for creation of new customer account using a sub-zone of its domain? Such feature is mostly needed for free hosting environments where a reseller wants provide free hosting accounts using sub-zones of its domain.

    Nothing is impossible. Just ask. ;)



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().