Posts by Levitas

    hi there,

    When i run the command

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -dr php

    I can reconfigure the Level
    - per user
    - per domain
    - per site

    Indepndently of the choice the php files dont get created.
    i always get this output:

    1. [root@server /]# find -name "php.ini"
    2. ./etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
    3. ./etc/php5/cli/php.ini
    4. ./etc/imscp/fcgi/parts/master/php5/php.ini
    5. ./etc/imscp/fcgi/parts/php5/php.ini
    6. ./etc/imscp/php-fpm/working/php.ini
    7. [root@server /]#

    Best regards from Germany

    I-MSCP Version: 1.1.22

    The RoundcubePlugins plugin is not compatible yet with the 1.2.0 version.

    and why did i had to update?
    the manual installation doesnt work as well.
    The Sieve Server seems to be offline / not running.

    Thunderbird isnt able to connect to the SIEVE server as well..

    Überhaupt nicht mitbekommen, dass so aktiv am I-MSCP gearbeitet wurde.

    Folgende Dinge habe ich gemacht
    - I-IMSCP geupdated (v1.2.0)
    - Roundcube Plugins installiert (Habe es vorher manuell installiert)
    - In den Roundcube Einstellungen das Plugin managesieve eingetragen.


    Error Log

    1. [04-Feb-2015 18:13:40 +0100]: PHP Error: Unable to connect to managesieve on localhost:4190 in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/managesieve/lib/Roundcube/rcube_sieve_engine.php on line 201 (GET /webmail/?_task=settings&_a$
    2. [04-Feb-2015 18:13:40 Europe/Berlin] Not currently in AUTHORISATION state (1):
    3. [04-Feb-2015 18:13:40 Europe/Berlin] Not currently in AUTHORISATION state (1):


    Ich bin nun seit etwa 5 Stunden dran am arbeiten, aber es will nicht klappen.
    Das Roundcube Plugin wird soweit geladen aber es kann keine Verbindung zum Manage SIEVE Server aufbauen.
    Genauso auch Thunderbird nicht.
    Im Roundcube Plugin funktioniert localhost sowie nicht.
    Der Port ist 4190

    Die Log:

    1. [04-Feb-2015 17:07:00 +0100]: PHP Error: Unable to connect to managesieve on in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php on line 308 (GET /webmail/?_task=settings&_action=plugin.managesi$[04-Feb-2015 17:07:00 Europe/Berlin] Not currently in AUTHORISATION state (1):

    Roundcube Meldung

    Telnet Zugriff per Putty

    1. "IMPLEMENTATION" "Dovecot Pigeonhole"
    2. "SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date ihave"
    3. "NOTIFY" "mailto"
    4. "SASL" ""
    5. "STARTTLS"
    6. "VERSION" "1.0"
    7. OK "Dovecot ready."
    8. NO "Error in MANAGESIEVE command received by server."

    Hat einer eine Idee, wie ich das beheben kann?

    Thank you so much 4 your help ;)

    So its not possible to make the imscp reachable from the IPv4 and IPv6 adress?
    If I connect to the panel via IPv4 i get the panel. When I use the IPv6 (another Domain ;) ) i only get "It works!" :D

    So it would be better to deactivate my IPv6 and use the IPv4 until the I-MSCP supports it? <:

    Thanks again

    Best regards

    Dont delete it ;D
    I tried to install a package (dont know the name) after that different php things didnt work anymore so I installed the missing packages new.
    (yea a better way would be to rollback.. now i know it too :D)

    But the error that is displayed should be logged in detail in another file, or not?
    If yes. Which Log?
    Is there anywhere a full package list, the i-mscp needs?
    I could simply reinstall them and than i should have the full functionality back O:

    Thanks 4 your answer


    Ich habe zu meiner IPv4 auf meinem Server nun eine IPv6 bekommen.
    Wie setze ich diese mit der IPv4 zusammen ein?


    1. /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup --reconfigure ips
    2. kommt nur die ausgabe
    3. [FATAL ERROR]

    iMSCP::Requirements::_externalProgram: Unable to find the PHP command.


    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1

    Woher weiß ich welcher php command fehlt?

    hello there!

    After i installed the I-MSCP and restartet it after about a month the resolve config were overwritten.
    My Resolve Server IPs are:

    In the resolve.conf (in /etc/) ist my own localhost IP (
    In the base file (/etc/resolveconf/base) are the two Resolve Server.

    My problem now is, that no domain could be resolved. Every Name is "unknown"
    Mail and cURL dont work..

    Does anybody now a solution?
    The Resolve Server are pingable so they arent offline (HostEurope Servers [my Hoster])

    Best regards from Germany

    - Newest Version of I-MSCP

    I disabled the local nameserver.
    Everything works fine
