Posts by Levitas

    Fixed that the RoundcubePlugins didn't load the managesieve plugin

    1. cp /var/cache/imscp/packages/vendor/imscp/roundcube/src/plugins /managesieve /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/ -R

    This command did the trick for me @VirtualCed

    Okay after i killed my whole server I've made a rollback to 1.1.22

    At the first time i started the autoinstaller i didn't stopped the services.
    This caused the error.

    A new try with stopping the services before starting the autoinstaller solved the problem.
    Notice this try started after the rollback. Not after the failed update.

    Thank you for the help @Nuxwin @Ninos

    I dont know how to fix this cause when you forget to stop the services.
    When you stop the services and retry to start the autoninstaller you get the error shown in the start post.

    Thank you ;)
    #Problem solved

    I just tried a few things.

    At the moment i get the following message in the file /var/log/upstart/imscp_daemon.log
    when i am using the command

    1. # service imscp_network startstart: Job failed to start

    Quote from IMSCP-Network-Log

    [ESC[0;31mERRORESC[0m] main::start: iptables: Chain already exists.
    [ESC[0;31mERRORESC[0m] iMSCP::Net::delAddr: RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address

    Also i get this errormessage

    1. # /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-*
    2. malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "\x{dabfccc3e})\x{cc9f}...") at /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-pkt-mngr line 35.

    At first i just startet the autoinstaller.

    After that i stopped ther imscp_ services (Daemon, network and another one) and restarted the autoinstaller.
    Then this message appeared.

    Just noticed that i dont get any information about what the script is doing (no print)


    [root@server ~]# /etc/init.d/imscp_network stop
    [root@server ~]#


    Edit 2:
    I edited the init scripts. No Result.
    used the service command: no result.

    I dont have any more ideas xD