Upgrade panel

  • Hi, sorry for this threads but I have a couple questions before upgrade my panel :-/

    1.- Should I choose the 1.2.9 or 1.2.x ?
    2.- Actually I use php5-fcgi, Should I change it?

    Thanks in advance

    Victor Rodriguez A.

    SO: Wheezy
    I-mscp 1.2.2
    Mod FCGI
    Plugins: Panel redirect - Opendkim - SpamAssassin
    PostgreSql 9.1

    Edited once, last by victor531 ().

  • Point 1:
    The "x" from 1.2.x is a just a spacer. It means the general version 1.2..
    There is no other version which you could use (for general usage).

    Point 2:
    Which configuration you use is up to you.^^
    Personally I prefer fcgi, but it depends on what you want and what you need. :)

    Have a nice day. :)

  • @Iceman 1.2.x is also the master branch for the 1.2.* series. So he yould also mean the git branch 1.2.x :)

    Re point 2: I prefer php-fpm :D

  • @Ninos, you are rigth, I was asking for the latest stable 1.2.9 o the other one from github.com (1.2.x).

    I think 1.2.x is more complet than 1.2.9 ,... isn't it?

    1.- 1.2.9 can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/i-mscp/files/
    2.- 1.2.x can be donwloaded from https://github.com/i-MSCP/imscp

    @Iceman, thanks for you answer.

    I'm still not sure :(

    Should I use the 1.2.9 or 1.2.x?

    Thanks again


  • Just try b1.2.x. A downgrade from current b1.2.x to v1.2.9 should be easy by rerunning the autoinstall-script of v1.2.9.

  • @Ninos

    You forgot that in 1.2.x, we have two db updates... A downgrade is never recommended ;)
