i-MSCP Panel not available anymore

  • Hi

    for no reason, I can't reach domain.tld:8080 anymore to go into the interface. I didn't change anything.
    Is there a apache config file anywhere where I can figure out where it binds to ?

  • check if all services are running, especially nginx. if not, look into the log files. report back when you acquire some more information

  • Hello ;

    To resume, try

    1. # service imscp_panel restart
    2. # service nginx restart

    BTW: Don't know how you're doing things... On our server which is also running i-MSCP, those service are never restarted and all is working fine...


  • There is literally nothing in the apache logs.
    I am using a Dynamic-DNS service and my domain does a CNAME to it.
    let's say the DDNS is: example.ddns.net
    The hostname is ewtwserv
    The hostname -f is ewtwserv too...

    Tho my hosts file looks like this:

    The first two lines of a

    Also, as in htop there are 5 nginx Processes:

    In the apache config for my main domain (craftnbuild.de.conf):

    That seems right to me ...

    Result of the 2 command you told me:

    I tried systemctl status nginx.service:

  • Re;

    The panel is not reachable through Apache2. Thus here, you cannot find any relevant information in Apache2 logs...

    To resume here: You must check your exotic configuration. This is not an i-MSCP problem. The dynamic DNS are something weird and you must really know what you're doing if you want use them.


  • Since I was angry enough I just killed the process occupying by using
    sudo fuser -k 8080/tcp
    Then i started it again. Pling it works again xD Thanks for the help tho :D

  • and since the panel is running on nginx, you won't find problems in apache log. i think you could do well, if you read some ebooks about linux at all, and use search in our forum. and understand how i-MSCP is working.
    i want to say, its nice that you try things out for learning purposes. but maybe a hosting panel is a little bit too far away to begin with. you need to understand the basic things first.

    edit: if you want to host customers, but have no knowhow about server administration, you should start with a reseller (at a managed professional hosting provider) account first. your customers wold issue you in a court, if you mess their sites up :)