Posts by Splinti

    There is literally nothing in the apache logs.
    I am using a Dynamic-DNS service and my domain does a CNAME to it.
    let's say the DDNS is:
    The hostname is ewtwserv
    The hostname -f is ewtwserv too...

    Tho my hosts file looks like this:

    The first two lines of a

    Also, as in htop there are 5 nginx Processes:

    In the apache config for my main domain (

    That seems right to me ...

    Result of the 2 command you told me:

    I tried systemctl status nginx.service:

    So I did the following:
    apt-get purge mysql*
    That went well...
    When trying
    perl imscp-autoinstall -dr sql
    this error showed up:

    Edit: /var/run/mysql was not present


    Edit: Ok, I'll do so.


    I tried to purge:
    - mysql-server
    - mysql-client
    - mariadb-client
    - mariadb-server

    And all it does it tries to install mysql-server-5.5: