FTP problem after update 1.1.21 to 1.1.22

  • @rauschr

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  • @rauschr

    Problem solved.

    Procedure applied on your server to fix the problem:

    1. Activation of maintenance mode
    2. Deletion of all l i-MSCP user/group entries in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group files

    1. # cd /etc# sed -i '/^vu2/d' ./passwd# sed -i '/^vu2/d' ./shadow# sed -i '/^vu2/d' ./group

    3. Execution of the following SQL queries:

    1. # mysql -u debian-sys-maint -p<password>
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > update admin set admin_status = 'ok';
    4. > update domain set domain_status = 'ok';
    5. > update subdomain set subdomain_status = 'ok';
    6. > update domain_aliasses set alias_status = 'ok';
    7. > update subdomain_alias set subdomain_alias_status = 'ok';
    8. > update mail_users set status = 'ok';
    9. > update admin set admin_sys_name = null, admin_sys_uid = 0, admin_sys_gname = null, admin_sys_gid = 0;
    10. > quit

    4. Execution of the i-MSCP installer
    5. Deactivation of the maintenance mode

    That all ;)


  • @rauschr

    I don't understand what you mean.. What service exactly?


  • @rauschr

    • Statistics ( Awstats ) should works now since you updated to lastest 1.2.x branch ( I've just forced generation of statistic)
    • Apache problem should be gone since you updated to latest 1.2.x branch. A bug related to logrotate has been fixed.
    • About dovecot, I will investigate on your server. Please try to connect to your mail account now.


  • FTP service work one day and then turns off
    Recently I had the same problem with "FTP", but what I notice is that the service is "DOWN".
    When you log into a web panel, and when I go to the General >> Services status

    FTP 21 DOWN

    i-MSCP Version:1.2.2
    OS Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE