PhpSwitcher - Soon in stores

  • Hello Nuxwin,
    I upload new phpswitcher language file for zh_TW.
    Please update it.
    And my country is use Traditional Chinese not use Simplified Chinese.If phpswitcher have any add string.Please let me know.
    I can support to translate it.Thanks a lot.



      (2.24 kB, downloaded 3 times, last: )
  • @akong7777

    Will be part of next release. Thank you for your contribution ;)


  • Hello ;

    Work is in progress. This is in a pending state because we need finalize the i-MSCP 1.3.0 version, which includes the APS standard implementation. I know that from your point of view this can seem a bit long but unfortunately, we lack of resource for the development.


  • Hi Laurent,

    Thanks for the respond. I know that you are very busy and I do appreciat your great work very much.
    If you could let me know the estimated time/roadmap for the dev. That would be very welcome. So that we can plan. :-)