PhpSwitcher - Soon in stores

  • Hello,
    It's command can solved it.Is this bug?

  • @ak6783

    What ? Sorry, I don't understand you. Do you want means that running the command has solved the problem? Please provide me the output of the command that I've given you.


  • Hello,
    I forgot save output.I will save output when I upgrade another i-MSCP and PhpSwitcher.

  • Hello,
    When I compiler php 5.2 and use perl php5.2 command
    It's will compiler failed.

    Could I miss any package?

  • @ak6783

    Which distro, codename? Show me your sources.list file.


  • Ubuntu 14.04.2 distro
    What is codename and where is sources.list?

  • @theemstra

    Wrong :)

    For instance:
    Distro: Debian
    Codename: Jessie

    For Ubuntu:


  • I have retry run perl php5.2
    It's will get this error message.

    What is this problem?

  • This is my source.list
    Please check it.Thanks a lot.