PhpSwitcher - Soon in stores
- Nuxwin
- Closed
No,It's only install phpswitcher plugins.Thanks a lot.
# aptitude install unzip
# cd /usr/local/src
# wget
# unzip
# cp -rp plugins-master/incubator/PhpSwitcher /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/
# perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/
I have installed php 5.3 and all ok.I want add php 5.2 it's will got error. -
I have add your ssh key to .ssh/authorized_keys
My IP is and use root account
Please check it. -
So first, I've reinstalled the wget package because the wget binary was no longer available. Once done,, I've downloaded the last plugins archive from Github and I've tried to compile PHP 5.2. This failed with several errors.
I presume here that something is broken on your server. I've looked at your bash history and I've see many strange rm commands..
On my server with Ubuntu Trusty, I've been able to compile and install PHP 5.2 using the PHP compiler without any problem.
Please: Re-install your server ( base Trusty) and re-install i-MSCP (without uploading any site yet) and then, I'll try again.
Thank you for test my server.The rm command is clean htdocs folder.I have create some domain and subdomain.Could quickly re-add all domain and subdomain? -