unused vhosts get redirected to first listed vhost

  • Hi,

    Ubuntu 14.04, I-MSCP 1.2.0

    since update to 1.2.0 i experience the following behaviour: Unknown vhosts but set the server's IP as A-Record in DNS will be forwarded to the first vhost on server. (one.tld.com has DNS A-Record ip but does not exist as an vhost(customer), you are being redirected to first vhost of server (example a-first-domain.tld).
    But strangest thing is: no logentries are done about this access/error.

    It may not be a bug but with the panel moved to port 8080 this occures now on my setup and i am trying to get rid of it.


  • Just use the ServerDefaultPage plugin. If you want to have your panel back, than use the PanelRedirect plugin. You can also use both in combination..

  • Hi,

    Ubuntu 14.04, I-MSCP 1.2.0

    since update to 1.2.0 i experience the following behaviour: Unknown vhosts but set the server's IP as A-Record in DNS will be forwarded to the first vhost on server. (one.tld.com has DNS A-Record ip but does not exist as an vhost(customer), you are being redirected to first vhost of server (example a-first-domain.tld).
    But strangest thing is: no logentries are done about this access/error.

    I noticed that too.

    Have a nice day. :)

  • It's the expected behavior ;) Subject closed. Next time, search on our forum because we already answered ;)
