DEPRECATED! SEE THE NEW TUTORIAL - Listener::Named::Zonetransfer - Zonetransfer to Secondary Nameserver + Howto

  • Hey ! Great tutorial.

    So the NS Concept of i-mscp is that every domain gets a ns1.domain.tld and s2.domain.tld. So i have always to add glue during registering ?

    why not use always for all domains: ns1.imscp.tld ns2.secondarry.tld ?

    Beste wishes


  • @sfsolutions

    This is planned for v2. Current DNS implementation is not really powerfull. The model was the same in both ispCP and VHCS...


    flames likes this.
  • why not use always for all domains: ns1.imscp.tld ns2.secondarry.tld ?

    you can do that, just setup only one nameserver, use it as secondary and use the i-MSCP server as primary.

    for my setup it was necessary to setup two separate nameservers, because i have more than one i-MSCP server, and the two nameservers are responsible for all domains/zones on those i-MSCP servers. look into the second listener in howto to understand better.

    ah, incorrectly understood the question. see the second listener file Listener::Named::Tuning2 does exactly this, it replaces the default nsX.domain.tld against your custom nameservers.

    Nuxwin likes this.
  • Hello everybody,

    as the Panel is now running via nginx the old htaccess information is not working anymore. So I created a new listener which adds the folder protection to nginx during setup. The transfer-file-creation is separated in a second listener.

    Regards Jörg

    Edit by nuxwin: See last post

    (Ubuntu 16.04, i-MSCP 1.5.1, php-Fpm, Plugins: ClamAV, CronJobs, InstantSSH, LetsEncrypt, Mailgraph, Monitorix, OpenDKIM, PhpSwitcher, PolicydSPF, Postscreen, RecaptchaPMA, RoundcubePlugins, ServerDefaultPage, SpamAssassin, YubiKeyAuth)

    flames, Nuxwin and MR_LOLKOPF like this.
  • This is cool, thanks! we will review it and put into i-MSCP/contrib directory if its ok for you.

    Nuxwin and UncleJ like this.
  • I've tried to install this listeners in my configuration on iMSCP 1.2.9. I've downloaded @UncleJ files, modified it, saved into location and re-run the setup. Everything went fine, except the new things...

    - /etc/nginx/htpasswd / protect_location_domain.conf /protect_location_domain_ssl.conf is created fine
    - /var/www/imscp/gui/public/domain directory isn't created, so no files created, don't know how to fix that

    Anyone have succefully installed all of those things and know what can be wrong?

  • The listener above is deprecated. Use this one in place:

    Zonetransfer listener: 403 forbidden

    Only cron related info still relevant. You must simply adapt the path.
